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Research Report On The Translation Of Tour Guide Script Of The Courtyards Of The Qiao Family (Excerpts)

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330452952185Subject:MTI English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research report is based on the Chinese-English translation of Tour Guide Script of theCourtyards of the Qiao Family (Excerpts). In the first chapter, I give a detailed introduction ofthis translation project, including its background, nature and values of translation. In chapter2, Iput forward the guiding translation theories, Reiss’ Text Typology and Vermeer’s Skopos theory,and flexible and proper translation approaches I applied during the translation. Chapter3pointsout the three-step translation process, namely, the preparation before translation, the actualtranslation and the review after translation. In chapter4, firstly, I make great efforts in caseanalysis, introducing several common translation approaches such as transliteration andexplanatory translation, free translation, amplification and omission in translation. Then I putforward the key and difficult points and the solutions. In the last chapter, I make a summary ofunsolved problems during the translation and lessons I learn from this practice, hoping to offer areference for the future translation practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Courtyards of the Qiao Family, Translation Processes, Guiding TranslationTheories, Translation Strategies
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