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On College English Teachers’ Curriculum Development Rights

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L LiFull Text:PDF
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Abstract:Three-layer curriculum development which is practiced in current China, essentially speaking, is the target model of curriculum development. The first layer of English course curriculum development in a university refers to the objectives identification. The second layer mainly refers to the preparation of teaching materials. And the third layer refers to the curriculum implementation and evaluation. English Teachers’ curriculum development rights mainly refers to the power of these three layers.In the current system, college English teachers have been deprived of curriculum development rights. In the first layer, the rights to determine the curriculum goals is denied. In the second layer, the rights to choose teaching material is deprived. In the third layer, the rights to develop a flexible teaching classroom is currupted. The status is caused by:an excessive standardization in the first layer leads to the teachers ’loss of the possibility of curriculum objectives development. In the second layer, the textbook publishers’profit-driven actions led to a monopoly. And in the third layer, the laziness and slack of the English teachers leads to a waiver of the right to curriculum development.Teachers’rights to curriculum development is closely related to the teaching effectiveness. College English teachers as a terminal repeater, lost enthusiasm in teaching. Students do not mindfully and intellectually participate in the classroom, and thus loose the learning motivation. In college English teaching classroom knowledge is high weighted than emotion, lack of communication between teachers and students; What to learn and what to be applied is quite parted and different, college English classroom teaching become an invalid activity that neither teach nor learn.To return the curriculum development rights to College English Teachers, first of all, the concept of college English teacher curriculum development rights shall be accepted universely. Teachers should be turned from spectator to participants, from executor to creator.. Second, is the creation of environment to realize the rights. Include:In the first layer to collect and listen to more views of teachers; in the second layer to allow teachers to be more involved in college English course materials preparation and adaptation; and in the third layer, to allow teachers to truly become the teaching classroom leader. Third, concerning the implementation strategy of college English teachers’curriculum development rights, there is not much space for decentralization in the first layer, while moderate decentralization shall be executed in the second layer, and focus is in the third layer, in which front-line teachers should actively participate in the selection, designing of classroom teaching content, including various types of materials, handouts supplement, should communicate more with students, highlighting the humanities and ideological characteristics of language teaching, thus return curriculum development rights to the teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:College English, Teachers, Curriculum development Rights
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