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Harmony Actually Fosters New Things And Similarity Doesn’t Sustain

Posted on:2015-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434455954Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rise of contemporary visual culture and the arrival of the "mapreading age"、"spectacle movie"、"Chinese blockbusters" has become the presentChinese film industry unique ecological aesthetic trend and the market,"imperialimagination" as one of the important elements and attention.At the same time,Europe and the United States "movie" in recent years, frequently successes inOscar, an "royal" on a global scale, for this research to deepen the development ofChina’s imperial film typed can provides a global perspective.This paper uses thedata analysis, case analysis and comparative analysis and so on material analysis,combination of cultural studies, film semiotics, psychoanalysis, narratology,ideology and so on related discipline theory knowledge.With symbols of thetriangle translation interpretation method for concrete, will be "Chineseblockbusters" from2000to2013in the "imagine" emperor in globalizationcontext compared with Chinese and western aesthetic vision, combined with thecurrent "imagine" emperor germinal evolution, cultural implication, identitydemands and typed make specific interpretation and to explore the developmentstrategy of level.The full text includes introduction.third chapters, this chapter andchapter conclusion, total of five parts. Their body parts: the first chapter willsystematically probes into the cultural context,"imagine" emperor of hot flashes,psychological basis, and symbolic meaning, deep probe into its symbols generatedreasons and boom the body behind the above request.Second chapter twoselection between Chinese and western films, through the film semiotics,ideological and cultural studies fusion horizon, compare the "imperialimagination" selection and present aesthetic tastes and interests.Three chaptersfrom the exploration of Chinese movie "imagine" emperor trajectory, survivalplight, industry breakthrough, etc., probe into its typed may and strategy ofdevelopment."Imperial imagination" as an aesthetic of modern visual culture andvisual consumption characterization, constantly to "imagination community" andbreak through in the process, a series of generation and the significance of spiritual evolution.And emperor movie of the construction of ethnic identity andtypes of development potential, build international movies and Chinese culturewill become the new image of the important driving force.
Keywords/Search Tags:The imagination of imperial, Chinese blockbusters, Symbols, Thetyped
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