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A Report On The Translation Of For The Provision Of Drilling Rig And Associated Servises For Block8Drilling Program

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431996777Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on a contract from translator’s company, which primarily focuses onrights and obligations of the Parties and the third party during the effective period in Sudanand covers about13000words. The translation of the pragmatic context of this contract ismainly in accordance with Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory, and translator devotes allhis endeavors to the equivalence of content and style between translation and source context.This report is based on contract, which has two practical values: first, contract iscommonly seen in the fields of business, trade, construction, etc, the translation study oncontracts has extensive practical significance and application value; second, the content of thiscontract is about petroleum industry, and is also a hot topic in recent years, many of us MTIstudents may probably enter into this field in the future, so the study on this contract can beregarded as an introduction to petroleum industry.Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory is perfectly suitable for practical literary form, thetranslation of this contract also depends on it. Contracts are very special even compared toother practical literary forms, their languages are standard and rigorous, and have specificlanguage and syntax format, which are extremely strict with the accuracy of translation, theusage of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory here is perfectly appropriate, in the process ofpursuing the equivalence both in content and style, the theory also sets a high standard on theaccuracy of translation, so Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory is competent to contracttranslation.Four parts constitute this report, they are: the first part is an introduction of thistranslation mission, including the source, introduction and meaning of this material; thesecond part is the preparation before translation, which describes the style, terms, translation theory of this translation and an overall grasp of the translating process; the third part is theanalysis of cases, which is the analysis of certain cases tackled in the translating processcomply with Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory, the first section is using the most suitablemeaning, the meaning of a word varies under different contexts, how to make the best andexact translation according to the context, the second section is parataxis using of Synonym,during the process of translating a contract, the parataxis using of similar meaning Synonymis commonly seen, what kind of translating techniques can be used under such circumstances,the third section is the translation of long and difficult sentences, in order to reach accuracyand strictness of a contract, long and difficult sentences are widely used, for the purpose ofmaintaining accuracy and keeping original style, emphasizing focal points, what tactics weuse when translating such sentences; the fourth part is a general summary of this translatingactivity, not only a summary of translator, but also a summary of comprehension of contract.After this translating activity, the translator improved both his interpretation totranslation theory and his capacity to enter into translation practices. And it makes the authorrealize that it is necessary for a qualified translator to lay solid bilingual foundation, own richknowledge of expertise and sufficient practical translating experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nida, petroleum, contract, functional equivalence, translation
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