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The Chinese Bird Freehand Pen And Ink Of Painting

Posted on:2015-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431991183Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of Chinese painting, freehand bird is one of the important subjectsthat performance oriented flowers and birds. Freehand bird a wide range of applications,it can be said in Chinese painting themes in addition to portraits, landscapes, can beclassified as freehand bird. In the course of history, freehand bird continuousdevelopment and innovation, it is clear themes and distinctive artistic style artisticself-reliance in the forest, became artistic treasures in shock the splendid pearl.Pen and ink as a composite concept, you can analyze as strokes and ink method. Infreehand bird in a line shape is the most basic features, so the pen where the law isparticularly important. Pen into the center of the law, front side, reverse Feng, dragpen, pen these different methods, according to the change by mentioning strokes,frustrated, slow disease, twisted turn when other artists brush can also be converted outwith thick there are thin, rigid hand, the merits of different lines, these various lines,so that the viewer can produce different emotional resonance, it can be said that thelines freehand bird, there is emotional and can call sing some kind of " tone " to conveyemotion author, the author carries emotional support.Value freehand bird works of art depends on its unique ink distinctive performancetechniques and painting art form of unity. Therefore freehand bird ink innovation issuesshould recognize the existence of two levels; one based on " performance techniques "for the understanding of the basis of ink; second is to express the spiritual mood,interest, principle and interest, etc." ink performance form " the basis forunderstanding the ink. Only two of the ink while to grasp the different levels ofunderstanding, in order to solve the problem of innovation ink freehand birdfundamentally, and passed along.
Keywords/Search Tags:Freehand bird, Pen and ink
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