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Study On The Comparison Of The Four Techniques China Schools Of Dulcimer Performance

Posted on:2015-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of Chinese national culture, national instrumental musicfields is also constantly in progress. Dulcimer is an important part of nationalinstrumental music, in different geographical environment, different style, created manyschools of dulcimer, have more influence of Guangdong, Sichuan music schools ofdulcimer dulcimer schools, Jiangnan Sizhu dulcimer schools, northeastern dulcimerschools. Steady development in the dulcimer today, to the formation and developmentof a comprehensive understanding of it is necessary for development of dulcimer itselfand four schools. But limited to the formation and development is not enough, theexternal manifestations of music is for the audience with auditory feast, which putforward higher requirements for playing, playing what is needed? To perfect theorchestra skill demonstration and combination of emotions, emotional source refers tothe overall grasp of the connotation of music, which inevitably will and local style,culture, history of combining. Skill demonstration is even more important, no skillssupport, is also expressed in the strong emotion does not come out, can not be reachedthrough to the performance skills of music effect. To use one of the four major schoolsof dulcimer learning skills and techniques and comparative research, on the one handhelps the players more profound show music in a certain extent, on the other hand, themutual reference and develop on the basis of comparative study. The author will berespectively described in the four skills, and apply it to study and compare the variousschools of music.In this paper, the individuality and commonness of the four schools of dulcimertechniques, introduces application and show the typical skill in the music timbre,rhythm, emotion and style, finally makes a comparative study. This thesis is divided intofive parts: the first part is the introduction, introduces the topics of academicbackground, theoretical and practical significance, literature review, research,innovation and research method and purpose. The second part is a comprehensiveoverview of the dulcimer dulcimer, including the system as well as the origin anddevelopment. The third part of the four major schools of dulcimer’s formation anddevelopment overview, this chapter described in the fifth chapter of the skill style and other aspects of a foreshadowing role. The fourth part and the fifth part is the core partof this paper, each of the four major schools of techniques are discussed, and in the fifthchapter, the techniques used in timbre, melody, emotion and style were used to representthe tracks were analyzed. The sixth chapter of the various aspects of the four skills werestudied. Music is used to express our feelings, but to express the inner feelings we haveproficient skills as the basis, the environment and in different position has an effect onour emotions will, so the local style, skill mastering, contribute to better play the music,express emotion, show the charm of music. Thus, for the four major schools oftechnique and its application to comparative study is imperative.
Keywords/Search Tags:dulcimer schools, skills, comparison
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