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Academic Procrastination Of Mongolian And Man College Students: Effects And Reason

Posted on:2015-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431976495Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper investigated the college students’procrastination status quo inInner Mongolian area and comparatively analyzed the demographic variablesin this area by selecting496college students from Inner MongolianUniversity、 Inner Mongolia Normal University and Inner MongoliaAgriculture University as the participants and using ProcrastinationAssessment Scale-students(PASS) and Big Five Personality Short Scale. Thispaper also researched the influence of personality trait on academicprocrastination and built the regression equation of personality to academicprocrastination by investigating the causes of college students’ procrastinationand comparing the procrastination causes between Mongolian and HanChinese college students.(1)Overall, Inner Mongolian college students have The research showsthat:gher extent and more suffer of academic procrastination than studentsfrom other area of China. A considerable number of students are eager tochange their procrastinating behavior.(2) Han Chinese students procrastinate more often than Mongolianstudents in academic tasks which need self-supervision, whereas for taskswhich need external-supervision, the situation is opposite. Mongolianstudents’ desire of changing their procrastinating behavior is not as strong asthat of Han Chinese students. Overall, men students have higher extent ofprocrastination whereas women students more harassment fromprocrastination. For procrastination level, procrastination harassment anddesire of changing procrastinating behavior, sophomore and junior studentscome first, and then senior. Freshmen students come last. (3)Factor analysis shows that, the main causes of Inner Mongoliancollege students’ procrastination include decision procrastination, fear ofsuccess, anxiety of evaluation and psychological resistance. There are alsodifferences between Mongolian and Han Chinese college students’ causes ofprocrastination in Inner Mongolian area.(4) Connection between academic procrastination and every trait of theBig Five Personality is considerably significant; There are significantdifferences between the Mongolian and Han Chinese college students’agreeableness and openness in Inner Mongolian area; It shows in theregression of dimension、 race and gender that: academic procrastinationlevel=-0.425conscientiousness-0.129agreeableness、academic procrastinationharassmen=0.143neuroticism-0.095conscientiousness、Desire of reducingacademic procranation=-0.196race+0.154neuroticism+0.124agreeableness.
Keywords/Search Tags:academic procrastination, causes of procrastination, BigFive Personality, Mongolian and Han college students
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