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The Arabic Literary Works In China

Posted on:2015-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431960399Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is generally acknowledged that the literary communication between China and Arab countries can date back to the7th Century, and there have been more than300Arabic literary works that are translated in Chinese up to now. However, when seeing positive achievements that we have accomplished, we should also pay attention to the shortcomings.The historical period "before the foundation of New China" ranges from late Ming and early Qing Dynasties when there were a few translations about the Koran, to February,1912when the emperor of Qing Dynasty gave up his throne, and to the Republic of China between1912and April,1949. In the period lasting nearly three centuries, there were only6Arabic literary works coming out, and most of them were various chapter translations and several cover-to-cover translations about the Koran and the Thousand and One Nights which had been popular in China for a long time. Of course, there was no lack of influential famous translations. In addition, there were Tianfangshijing (Qasidah al-Burdah), Gibran Prose Poems, Egyptian Fairy Tales and Childhood Memories. Unfortunately, most of them have been scattered and lost for the time is too long.The period from three months after October1st,1949to the time before the outburst of "Cultural Revolution" in1966is collectively referred to as "Seventeen Years". In the increasingly stable environment, Arabic literary translation sprang to life. Due to the need of sustaining Asian, African and Latin American people’s movements for national independence and liberation, the nation decided to support the translation of Arabic literature. However, affected by the influences in that age, it walked through a winding course of preparation, climax and low ebb. During these seventeen years, the emphasis of translation cause was placed on translating modern literary works, and the most prominent achievement then was patriotic poetry, most of which yet are translated from other languages. There were also some excellent Arabic short stories introduced into China through such languages as Russian, French and Arabic, and most of their themes were realistic works reflecting social phenomena.The time of October,1976serves as the starting point for new stage in foreign literature translation, and Arabic literary translation grows more and more prosperous, which hasn’t run its full course hitherto. And most of Arabic literary translations and research articles are achievements in this period. Whether it comes to poetry and novel, or drama, prose, travelogue, reportage, biography, memoirs, letter, folk and children’s literature, literary theory and even screenplay, all of them have received the attention they deserve. Moreover, particular attention should be paid to the following facts:the Thousand and One Nights that has always been popular are reprinted, rewritten, re-translated from cover to cover and in chapters with the most times; all the works of Gibran has been translated in Chinese; Naguib Mahfouz, the winner of Nobel Prize, has set off the fervor of Mahfouz translation and publication; there are also some influential writers from Arab world existing in China. However, we should also notice the problem of the quantity and quality of translation are far from the ideal...
Keywords/Search Tags:Arabic literary works, translation and publication, before the foundation of New China, "Seventeen Years", new age
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