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Moral Personality Behind The Veil Of Ignorance

Posted on:2015-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y YaoFull Text:PDF
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After the Veil of ignorance was raised, It has been criticized and questioned.The central point of the controversy is what is the prerequisite and foundation which he fairness and justice that is to be justified, how to play a role,what Value purport it contain of the unhistorical and hypothetical Veil of ignorance. The key point to clarify is to make the Veil of ignorance to be a moral justification, and then present the essence of freedom and Equality of each side between the contract under Veil of ignorance. The article is to make the human being of Kant as the starting point, seeking the nature of the rational being of freedom and equality which is Consistent with the theory of justice. Presenting the moral ideal of rational respect and self respect under the Veil of ignorance.The first chapter mainly discuss the principle of justice requires fair environment and set up rational constraints. Conflicts of interest with consistent environmental justice, While the concept of universality and general form of proper concept, According to the cover and reveal of the veil of ignorance to provide a Archimedean point of the perspective of ontology itself the basic structure of the evaluation standard for the society.The second Chapter mainly discusses people thinking rationally,The moral ability and development of individual under the veil of ignorance. Although the parties don’t know the specific content of their life plan, but the essence of freedom, equality, rational beings require all parts first seeking which is consistent with the deliberate deliberating rational people’s basic social good willing,and feedback of rational questions.The third chapter discusses the ability of sense of justice of an individual, as a citizen of a well-ordered society, with the understanding, application and ability to justice in accordance with the principles of justice action can regulate and restrict the ability of kindness in line with the interests of individual rationality, both mutually complement each other to ensure you choose the principles of justice, to response to "default choice" criticism of Sandel.The fourth chapter mainly discusses Compared with utilitarianism, fundamental freedoms nature of the principle of fairness and justice priority stipulate that, equality of rights and freedom of morally arbitrary inequalities amendments purport deontological values of self-directed body freedom, nature of equality rational beings.The Veil of ignorance as an explanation of the means to show the people as one of the rational and reasonable well-ordered society, a member of interests inherent in the pursuit of high-end, in line with the nature of man as man, which purport deontological values and the principles of fairness and justice consistent. Thus, as applicable to a wide range of characteristics of the social sphere of public evaluation criteria, principles of fairness and justice with the independence and objectivity of social norms, get unanimous consent of the parties in the fairest and most appropriate original state.
Keywords/Search Tags:Freedom equality, the sense of justice, the concept of the goods
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