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The Process Of The Era Of Female Painting

Posted on:2015-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431498571Subject:Fine Arts
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Women artists will work on the self exists a certain relationship between the times.First, their work is based on the background of the time, self artistic creation. Art worksof female artists in the show is not just women’s spiritual world, but also reflects thesocial and cultural environment different times. Works of art of different periods reflectsthe different personality styles, and their conflict but true artists showing internal andexternal spiritual world social environment. It also contributed to the survival of the stateof women artists of the self, spiritual pursuits, and my heart repression and culturalsituation of life experience.Based on the Yan Ping, Cai Jin, Xia Junna three paintings for analysis. First, the"post-50" Yan Ping ’s work is beginning about1978-Women in the Arts changes since1984. Her work has appeared in the beginning of reform and opening up, the workfocused on the theme of motherhood in general style theme, gentle personality, belongingto the gentle art of the period; secondly, describes1985-1989Chinese thoughttumultuous five years,"60after " Cai Jin, represented by female artists of this era mostarticulate strong emotional self, because they experienced a "85student movement ", soI focus on the creative expression of individuality, self-creation theme; once againtalked about1990-1999,"70after the " female painter Xia Junna, just turn insociology of art period. Xia Junna ’s works express their innate brilliant artistic style,like a fanciful imagination and Petty Bourgeoisie integration, so good interpretation ofthe self ’s inner monologue. Finally, in2000-2008was the culmination of the greatdevelopment of the arts, giving China the world ’s art exchange art ’s mostcomprehensive development. Speaking as a modern young "80" which in themselves anunstoppable tide of youth arts, arts education received many areas, cultivate our richartistic heritage, but also faced many difficult challenges.Through the "Time" and "female" These two clues about the artistic transformationof reform and opening up30years, the past30years is undoubtedly very great artisticdevelopment, enhance the status of women also contributed to the reasons for itsdevelopment. Reform and opening up30years of feminist awakening in the field of art,one is due to elevate the status of women, the other is from the female interpretation ofart to express their feelings in a more delicate than men, they watch more thoroughperspective of this era. We find that not only reflects the creator of a work of creative ideas, but also reflects the work environment throughout the ages. The early1920s of thelast century Western also experiencing such a transition, it is modern art and traditionalart break period, this artistic trend in the era of reform and opening up China scraped intothe field of art, the influence of an era for an artist is essential, but as a woman artist inthe creation of their works, in addition to the process of changing times feel, but alsoshow a different social and cultural history of the times, in order to understand the impactof this on their era.
Keywords/Search Tags:era, female, painting
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