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The Study Of Wang Long

Posted on:2015-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiangFull Text:PDF
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Ming and Qing Wang Long is an influential poetry Henan membership house composer. He haspublished extensively, poetry "red medicine altar","Dayu set", are handed down, the legendary "AutumnTiger,""Double Butterfly Dream,""intends Peony Pavilion Dream","big dutiful son,""Huashan edge ","Sima shirt ", this deposit before three.Wang Long born, his uncle the king price given the rank of Imperial, his brother Ming Wang Duo isranked minister, on the occasion of his nephew husband Lee was Bingbushangshu. In Wang Duo, WangLong, Lee represented the occasion of Mengjin Wang’s family, called the Ming and Qing Ding leather ofHenan mayor. Four-year-old former Wang Long not be depressed at home, but after surrendering ameteoric rise, Kunshan, Beijing, Shandong and have their work experience, their poetry, the legendarycreation has become more mature in this period, especially its legendary work has made remarkable results.His friends widely, Wu Weiye, Zhou Lianggong, and Ding, Ding Peng have their have intercourse, ZhouLianggong is as Wang Duo, Wang Long selections "Mengjin poem"; and Wang Long disciples everywhere,peach garden, Xu Qian science, Yu Guozhu Dong Ne are its protege, Luo culture in Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Shandong province is flourishing.Ming and Qing Dynasties various poetry interwoven parallel," Yangming " and " Wang left"literature "retro " and " repeated the ancient" entangled with each other. Wang Long modeled after the "king of the north to learn " on behalf of carp and Shixi Bangladesh, but by Li Zhi, Tang," a moving andTheory". Such disputes feeling and reason, orthodox and secular game in its poetry, operas and deeplyreflected. Tang Wei Jinsheng Wang Long poetry in school, under the effect QianHouQiZi, and his brotherWang Duo an exalted literary retro banner. His poetry collection " Dayu set", from the Qin Sao body, down to the absolute law of the Tang Dynasty are covered."Big, Austria, a" characteristic of his poetry tohis brother Wang Duo also has far-reaching implications, Wang Duo Wang Long pen in the development of“Xiong QI GU AO." In Wang Duo, headed by Wang Long" Mengjin Poetry" and Shangqiu Hou, SongLuo ’s "Snow Garden Club" tree flag of the altar, to become the early Qing Dynasty Henan literaturebimodal. Shun Kang Ming and Qing dynasties is the legendary stage of the development of the mostprosperous, the legendary Wang Long Romances work is the theme of the whole creation, and theintroduction of the historical materials which form a unique style of theme ideas. Wang Long works withboth the same period the overall aesthetic orientation and legendary artistic skills, but also new ideas basedon their own understanding and practice of the future with its legendary LV Lvheng represented bylegendary writer and more influential in Henan membership.Wang Qian Jin inaction poetry, deep foundation, Qu gorgeous and simple combination of variousstyles in the Ming and Qing literary, Luo culture, all have a certain model significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Long, Life biographies, poetry and legend, literary ideas
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