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Chinese Characters: The Source Of Originality In Visual Communication

Posted on:2015-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431484325Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese characters are the most representative element of China, which hasextensive and profound cultural connotation and a long history. It is not only thesymbolic system of recording the language, and also an extraordinary achievement ofvisual arts. As the new form of using Chinese characters, Chinese characters creativein the field of visual communication has become the new subject for academicresearch. This article will be based on academic results of previous studies todemonstrate the feasibility and value of the using of Chinese characters in the field ofvisual arts, trying to form a comprehensive and systematic research framework on thewhole from the perspectives of the word, components, and calligraphy font.The paper includes six parts. The preface part is about putting forward theproblem, the preciously existing research status, scope and purpose of this article. Thesecond chapter to the fifth chapter is the main part of the thesis. It is the discussion ofthe wisdom of Chinese character word from the perspective of the formation ofChinese Character in the second chapter. Then there is an emphatically analysis of theimportance of hieroglyphic in visual communication combining with the example. Inaddition, It also try to study the importance of self-explanatory, associativecompounds and phonogram in the field of visual communication. The third chapter isthe research of the guiding significance of the theory of Chinese charactercomponents to visual communication with examples. At the same time, it also pointsout that the theory cannot be confined to the traditional parts, otherwise it will causelimitations to the innovation of the visual communication. In the forth chapter, there isa definition of font and chirography at first, and then a brief analysis of the Chinesecharacters font evolution and characteristics. Besides, there is a discussion about theusing of Chinese characters font in the visual communication and the characteristic ofdifferent font combination with examples. The fifth chapter discusses the necessity ofthe combination of calligraphy ink and visual communication from the perspective of the calligraphy ink art. Then there is a further study about the characteristics, valueand innovation of the application of Chinese calligraphy and other traditionalelements in the field of visual communication.In short, there is a great potential of the application of the Chinese characters inthe visual creation and it will gradually enter into other areas. Chinese characterscreative has transcended the traditional carrier, and came into a new era in whichconstruction, furniture, ceramics and clothing combine with the Chinese characters.Only by absorbing the nutrient from the traditional culture and innovatingcontinuously on the basis of the research of the multivariate theories, can the Chinesecharacter culture with Chinese characteristics be better interpreted in designing. Aswell as the artistic charm of Chinese characters creative will be displayed andfashionable modern design works with strong ethnic characteristics will be created.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characters, Visual communication, Source, Wordsmaking, Parts, Font, Calligraphy
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