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Analysis Of The International Trade Of Yanbian Area In The1920s

Posted on:2015-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431475466Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The international trade in Yanbian area has experienced the China-Russian trade with the dominant of Hunchun in1910s, and turn towards to the China-DPRK trade with the dominant of Japan, trade center gradually shifted to the village of the Longjing region of Yanji. In1920s the trade center of Longjing Village was more stable in Yanbian area, so caused that the main regulatory agency in Yanbian area of international trade migrate to the Longjing Village because of a sharp decline in the total volume of business of Hunchun in the mid-1920s. In trading systems, Hunchun with Russia Vladivostok aspect of China-Russian trade collar although not completely severed, but gone past prosperity, and The international trade of Yanbian were main based on Hunchun--Xiongji and Longjing Village--Qingjin system finally to the late1920s, Hunchun-Vladivostok system supplemented by China, North Korea, Russia formed the small circle international trade.The international trade of Yanbian area as a whole had been in a growth trend in1920s. Japan took the advantage of the capitalist powers have repeatedly requested the China side cut the tax rate throughout the1920s, and resulted that the international trade tax rate was less than the lowest tariffs in the world almost "Value hundred pumping five" lower in Yanbian area, the low internal tariffs can not enrich its treasury, and can not protect national industries.1920s Yanbian area of international trade on their status had been in the trade deficit position, by bringing together agricultural products and outflows of capital out of industrial capitalism in the process of exchange, the formation of the phenomenon of capital loss. This is capitalism, Japan, Russia took advantage of China’s low-tariff dumped industrial consumer goods to China, imports of raw materials and the formation out of Yanbian, low-tech agricultural or processed agricultural products with the consumer goods of industry and capitalist competition had been at a disadvantage, the increase of Korean immigrants caused the natural resources get further development in Yanbian area, in particular the use of land resources, crop yield substantial increased. It provided a material basis at that time for international trade.Japan, Russia export to China that most of the products were industrial consumer goods, a small amount of military supplies in addition, the production were extremely limited, this also shows that capitalism Russia, Japan just for dumped their products, but not trade in the true sense. Japan, Russia used capital that collected by the sale of the industry consumer goods, and imports out agricultural products from Yanbian region with low tariffs, made agricultural Yanbian region was forcibly incorporated into the capitalist market which led to a price in the course of trade can not be independent, and can only be at the manipulate of the world capitalist market prices, not according to their own wishes to update the structure of export commodities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yanbian area, Trade with DPRK, Trade with Russia
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