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On Translation Of Art Works

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YuFull Text:PDF
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Translation is an important media and platform for cross-cultural communication and it plays a particularly important role in today’s era of increasingly frequent international exchanges, among which the translation of works of art has also gradually become an important way for cultural communication. For most works of art, a title can represent the whole, so the translation of all types of texts should be paid attention in the translation process, and the artistic conception can be conveyed in appropriate language only after the original text is fully analyzed. The designers at home and abroad all want to have a platform or opportunity for the understanding, familiarity and communication with each other. The works of art are more than objects, but a way through which the designer expresses his thoughts and cultures, even his social environment and religious meaning to the outside world. Translation of works of art cannot be a simple transformation from one language into another language, but it requires the embellishment on the basis of original texts so that the target readers can resonate with the works and the authors.The capacity to do art translation well and use the translated language to convey the soul of works and the ideas of designers can be acquired from several aspects. Firstly, the translator must obtain an understanding of the works of art, which includes the author’s design philosophy, historical background, and life background and so on, for these preliminary works are the bases for translation. Secondly, the translator must obtain an understanding of the background materials about the target language country, because language is not only a means of communication but also can convey the civilization. Each country has its own language characteristics, and a deficiency in understanding the target language may cause inconvenience in religion, culture, folklore and other aspects and misunderstandings of the original texts. Finally, the translator must communicate with the author after the translation is finished in order to check if there is somewhere to be improved.Translation is a bridge built between different cultures, and adequate preparations are needed to build a solid bridge and intersect the two civilizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Text type, Translation strategies, Atr works
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