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The Influence Of Drug-related Cues On Heroin Addicts’ Attention Distribution

Posted on:2015-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422983936Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Drug addiction is a serious harm to society, it will not only destroy the socialorder, even to addicts and cause serious damage. Long term drug addicts all can leadto organ failure, will make their attention, memory, thinking and other cognitivedysfunction. One of the important aspects of cognitive function is attention.At present,domestic and foreign to the drug addicts attention focuses on attention selection,especially the research on attention bias. Not one important aspect of distribution isthe attention function, for drug addicts, attention distribution ability is also veryimportant, if addicts has distribution of attention disorder, they will be very difficult todistribute attention from drug related things to other things in life, so as to effectivelycomplete the daily affairs of life, they are more likely to in difficult to remove, oreven increase the rate of relapse. Heroin is the primary drug types, China’s drugaddiction study found, long-term heroin can cause serious injury and frontal lobe,frontal lobe is the main brain area of attention distribution, patients with brain injuryand a lot of research object of attention distribution found that these individuals haveattention distribution dysfunction. Then, as the same is brain damaged patients, theattention distribution function of heroin addicts exist injury? In the drug related cues,attention distribution function of heroin addicts will show what changes? If heroinaddicts drug craving will affect the attention distribution function? Can methadonemaintenance treatment improve the distribution of attention function of heroin addicts?These problems need to explore.This study includes two experiments: experiment one first drug craving of heroinaddicts were measured, and using the dual task paradigm of heroin addicts inmethadone maintenance treatment and attention distribution function of heroin addicts;experiment two using the dual task paradigm for heroin addicts attention distributionfunction maintenance of drug related cues to investigate compulsory detoxificationthe heroin and methadone. The research draws the following conclusions:(1)Mandatory drug treatment and methadone maintenance treatment of heroinaddicts attentional distribution functions are impaired; methadone maintenancetreatment of heroin addicts attentional distribution function was not improved becauseof the use of methadone; (2)The attention distribution function of compulsory drug related cues affectdrug addicts; and in drug-related cues, compulsory detoxification of heroin cravingand attention is negatively related to the function of distribution, the higher degree ofattention distribution function for the worse;(3)The attention distribution function of mandatory negative emotional cuesaffect drug addicts, without affecting the methadone maintenance treatment ofattention distribution function and normal people.
Keywords/Search Tags:heroin addiction, Methadone maintenance treatment, drug related cues, attention distribution
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