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A Discussion On The Subsequent Marriages Of Aristocratic Women In The Tudor Era

Posted on:2015-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T Q WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422983266Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Despite overwhelming social pressure and request of family, several well-bornwidows in Tudor Britain chose to marry well bellow themselves in terms of rankaccording their own willing on their subsequent marriages. This behavior hadreflected the popular of individualism during Tudor era and changed the traditionalrole of noble women. Their reasons for taking these decisions, which could be bothsocially and politically disastrous, are varied. Understanding these marriages and thecircumstances surrounding these these noble women’s decisions opens a window ontothe nature of female agency in Tudor Britain. The configuration of my thesis is asfollow:Foreword confirmed the research object and the time span: fifth-house of lordsborn noble women in Tudor Britain. Introduced the Tudor era was the early time ofsocial transformation and the fate of noble women has changed in this time. Analyzedthe major research questions, purpose and meanings, a brief review of this academicresearch.First chapter analyzed the reasons which bring out the subsequent marriages ofaristocratic women. Mainly including three aspects: high death rate, first marriage ageof noble and the scandal in the noble marriages has lead the unstable of noblemarriages. Religious reform and the individual emotion needs have promoted thenoble widows’ subsequent marriages.Second chapter discussed the noble widows’ choices and influence factors duringtheir subsequent marriages. The mainly factors were: female agency; social rank idea;the widows’ free; male’ pursuit; the restriction from royal.Third chapter analyzed some individual cases of noble widows’ subsequentmarriages. For some taking these decisions, which could be both socially andpolitically disastrous, some it was as simple as romantic inclination, while othersreached out for help to available and loyal men in times of acute personal crisis.Epilogue made a profound discussion. The subsequent marriages of aristocraticwomen have reflected the desire of free, and it was means a lot for modern Chinese women which also were in transformation time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tudor Britain, aristocratic women, subsequent marriages
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