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A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Libya War News

Posted on:2015-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422979538Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The value of news reports lies in objectiveness, fairness and timeliness. In reality,rooted in the society, the news reports often demonstrate different values andideologies. Hence the ideology hidden behind the news becomes more difficult to bediscovered. Thus the readers are often misled and deceived.In the previous critical study of news discourse, the scholars conducted ananalysis of the event reported by one medium and discussed little about the sameevent by different media. Therefore, we selected20news reports from New York Times(hereinafter NYT) and China Daily (hereinafter CD) about Libya war and conducted acomparative analysis from four aspects, namely, choice of words, voice, quotationsand transitivity, with a view to the ideology and power hidden behind.The conclusions are as follows: The two big media show utterly differentideologies on Libya war. At the word level, NYT adopts plenty derogatory words as tothe image of Qaddafi and positive words for NATO’s military attacks. Yet CD adoptsthe neutral expressions mostly. This demonstrates that CD reports news moreobjectively. As for voice, although the passive voice is employed mostly by bothnewspapers, they focus on different aspects with NYT reporting more about NATO’smilitary attacks. It can be seen that NYT is inclined to undermine the disaster themilitary attacks brought to the Libyans. In terms of quotation, NYT mainly quotesNATO members and Libya rebels and nothing about UN and the Libyans. Yet CDquotes various parties with no bias. This further proves that CD’s reports are moreobjective. As for transitivity, they both employ verbal and material process for themost part. Yet NYT focuses on western allies led by US and the oil resources, whileCD highlights the impact of Libya war on the political situation and the Libyans. Thisshows that NYT seems to report the war fairly, but in effect it is boosting Americanleadership and intending to occupy the oil resource stealthily. Yet CD cares moreabout the livelihood issues of Libyans. In a word, these seemingly objective and fairreports imply different ideologies which will shift our value system and world view.
Keywords/Search Tags:CDA, Libya war, ideology
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