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Influence Of Career Decision Made By Achievement Motivation And Framing Effect

Posted on:2015-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422976102Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Researchers study how people make decision with various kindsof methods since we are closely related to decision in thereal life. Decision maker would be influenced by problem,behavior pattern, preference of individual habit and his/herpersonality trait if he/she needs making decision. Differentdescription methods could lead to different preferences tothe same question of decision makers, which is called framingeffect. Many scholars have making novel researches in thisfield, they study and demonstrate the theory from differentangles such as risk scenario, cognition, mood, individualdifference and task feature, since Tversky and Kahneman foundframing effect. In a sum, there are two main factors influencingdecision: individual factor and task factor, here we are goingto investigate how individual career decision can be influencedby framing effect from two research directions under thecircumstance of specific vocational programs.We took the college students and employees in GuiZhou, GuangXi,HuNan as experimental subjects, the career decision asbackground to design risk decision in this study. In orderto figure out the influences of career decision made by different subjects, different individual traits, and differentbackgrounds of vocational programs, we used the researchmethods combined by experiment and measure, which means2(groups: undergraduates and employees)×2(achievementmotivation: the pursuit of success and avoid failure)×2(framing effect: positive description and negativedescription). We want to reveal what role individual traitand task factor play in the behavioral tendencies of decisionmakers which is the dependent variable.The results show:(1)Under the background of career decision-making, there isframing effect. Different framework characters affect thetendency of interviewees’career decision-making. Thepositive characters are more likely to induceinterviewees’tendency of choosing in the cases where matchingdegree is high but gaining rate is low and matching degreeis medium and gaining rate too.(2)The differences of different types of group will resultin the differences of different tendency of vocationalsolutions. The interviewees who have certain experienceincline to choose the jobs that are easier to get when choosingjobs.(3)Different level of achievement motivation will affect career decision-making. In the vocational solutions wherematching degree is high but gaining rate is low, the tendencyof the interviewees who pursue success is greater than thatof the ones who pursue failure.(4)Under the background of the vocational solutions wherematching degree is high but gaining rate is low, the main effectof framing effect, group type, and achievement motivation isremarkable. The interaction of framing effect and group typeis remarkable when they are analyzed together and group typeis the main source of transforming.(5)Under the background of the vocational solutions wherematching degree is low but gaining rate is high, the main effectof framing effect, group type is remarkable. Compared withthe negative description, interviewees’tendency is greaterthan in the positive description. Enterprise staff are morelikely to choose the jobs that are of low risk than graduates...
Keywords/Search Tags:achievement motivation, framing effect, careerdecision, career plan
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