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A Report On The Translation Of Police Powers And Politics

Posted on:2015-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
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With rapid development and increasing national power, China has drawn attentionof the world, especially western countries led by the United States. As the United Statescomes back to Asia, the situation of East Asia has changed, and China has alsoexperienced some unsettlements. The founding of the Council of State Security of thePRC reveals Chinese government’s further emphasis on national security whichconcerns domestic stability, and domestic stability is safeguarded by China’s police.China’s police, facing a changeable and complex social situation, has to strengthen itselfby learning from other countries.The report is based on the translation of Police Powers and Politics, a bookconcerning the history and power of British police and the practical model for modernpolicing. Guided by Skopos theory, the author examines the purpose and the process ofthe translation. First, the report gives an introduction on the source text and thepreparation for the translation. Then with the guidance of Skopos theory, thereader-oriented translation strategy is set up and guides the translation of terms andprofessional information as well as the intratextual coherence and loyalty of target text.The translation reinforces the author’s understanding of translation purpose andgives a clear view on the concept of serving for target text readers. Under the guidanceof the concept, the author strives to provide a concise, readable and loyal target text thatis fluent and explicit for target text readers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation Purpose, Readability, Loyalty
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