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The Style Research Of Mozart’s Early Opera "La Finta Giardiniera"

Posted on:2015-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H SunFull Text:PDF
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756-1791, Austrian composer, is a representative ofVienna classical pie, and the greatest dramatic geniuses in the history of music in Europe.There is no doubt that Mozart is one of the most prolific composers in musical history, hisworks involving almost all of the music genre, big to symphony and opera, small to songs,dance music of various subjects, there are all kinds of variations, concertos, fantasia, etc.,and almost every genre have he was known as the model of the most influential works.Opera is an important field in Mozart’s music creation, life, a total of22opera works,appear in front of us at best, the most familiar with is "Le Nozze di Figaro""Don Juan" and"Die Zauber flste"opera works late. But as the world recognized by the "music childprodigy," early Mozart’s opera creation is also worthy of our study and exploration, this isfor our further understanding and the understanding of Mozart, a simple explore his operacreation mature process to better grasp the singing style of opera will undoubtedly help isvery big.The Opera" La finta giardiniera " is studied in the text Mozart’s opera works when hewas17, the comic opera works out for the first time was a great success, although it isearly opera creation, known as"big four opera",but the music in this early comedycontains" Le Nozze di Figaro "staggering of the later work, also laid the foundation for hislater opera creation.This paper mainly divided into three parts:The first part:Mozart biography and opera creation. This part mainly includes twoaspects: music child prodigy Mozart biography;The three stages of the Mozart operacreation; Opera analysis.The second part: opera " false gardener " structure analysis. Thispart includes: the structure of opera " La finta giardiniera "; Opera "La finta giardiniera "music structure analysis.The third part: Opera "La finta giardiniera" in early writing style.This part mainly from four aspects to demonstrate the false gardener, opera in early operacreation characteristics: first, music and drama reached a perfect balance; Second, recitative is able to give full play to; Third, the performance of efforts to strengthen; Fourth,the movement form is used to represent the plot; Fifth, the stories of secularism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mozart, Early Opera, La finta giardiniera
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