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A Multiwave Longitudinal Study Of Metal Health And Self-efficacy In Air Force Freshmen

Posted on:2013-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330392454982Subject:Aerospace and Maritime Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Air Force’s main battle task is to assist and cooperate with the offensiveoperations of ground forces. After more than half a century of development, ourpeople’s Air Force have the modern weapons and equipments, to carry out avariety of combat missions combined arms military services. Air ForceCommander Xu Qiliang said, air force freshmen carry the heavy responsibilityto build a world-class air force. Air force freshmen is a special group, admissionis a special period of transition from ordinary youth identity to the air forcefreshmen. Air force freshmen on completion of the identity transform from thelocal high school students to new students of the Military Schools of Air Force,however, whether from the psychological to accept the changes to smoothlyadapt to the academy life in Military Schools of Air Force is an importantresearch issue. In a relatively short period of time, whether air force freshmencould successfully to adapt to the environment of military universities is veryimportant to the military career of air force freshmen. In this study, cluster random sampling method was used to pick up a sampleof586air force freshmen from a flight school, an Air Force EngineeringUniversity and a Medical University of the Air Force Department. Longitudinalsurvey of the psychological status of the several stages in the first semester ofthe Air Force was conducted, which was to explore air force freshmen mentalhealth and self-efficacy and other factors which related to. Hierarchical linearmodel method was used to analysis the obtained data. Provide a scientific basisfor management and mental health education of the Air Force trainees.The study leads to the following conclusions:1) SCL-90total score and factor scores mainly present a trend of the secondtimes’ survey a minimum score, and higher in the first and three times’surveys.2) Resilience, social support, self-efficacy and positive coping negativelycorrelated with SCL-90total score. Negative coping and trait anxietypositively correlated with SCL-90total score. Self-efficacy, resilience,social support and positive coping were positively correlated.3) Resilience, trait anxiety, positive coping and negative coping can explainthe variance of SCL-90total score in initial state. And these factorscontributed to the downward trend differences of the SCL-90total score.4) Social support and positive coping can explain the variance of self-efficacyin initial state. And these two factors are significant predictors of upwardtrend differences of self-efficacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air force freshmen, Metal health, Self-efficacy, Longitudinalstudy, Hierarchical linear models
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