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Study On The Practice Mode Of The Language Sense Teaching Method In Teaching Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2013-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330362964498Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the vigorous development of the international promotion of Chinese teaching,Chinese as a foreign language is also faced with greater demand, and its problems havebecome increasingly prominent, especially the "teaching method" problem which has beenthe principal contradiction in the “three teaches”--teaching methods, teaching materials, andteachers.In order to solve this problem, many scholars explore actively to put forward thedistinctive Chinese as a foreign language teaching methods and teaching pattern. The senseof language teaching draws people’s attention by its new teaching philosophy, systematicteaching design and significant teaching practice effect. Beijing QuickChinese Educationand Training Center (hereinafter referred to as "Quick Chinese") applied the language-senseteaching method to the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and came upwith a sense of language teaching mode. In2003they began their teaching practice whichhas made gratifying achievements in enhancing students’ interest and improving teachingefficiency.This paper analyzes the sense of language teaching method used in the TCFL practicemode adopting literature research and survey analysis methods to analyze the sense oflanguage teaching in the TCFL practice patterns and teaching effectiveness. Besides, itattempts to discover the strengths and a weakness in sense of language teaching modeapplied to foreign language teaching, and then comes up with the correspondingrecommendations for improvement in order to inspire the teaching methods and teachingmode of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the future.The full text is divided into five parts. In the first chapter, the "Introduction” partintroduces the origin of the topic and purpose of the study and its theoretical and practicalsignificance. Chapter II is "the international promotion of Chinese language and theDevelopment Status of Chinese as a Foreign Language Teaching ". By introducing the problems in the process of the rapid development of the international promotion of Chineselanguage under the current situation, the author further confirms the value of the sense oflanguage teaching research, and through the review of the representatives at home andabroad in foreign language teaching and teaching practice pattern points out the innovationand feasibility of quick Chinese sense of language teaching method of Teaching andpractice patterns. Chapter III is "quick Chinese sense of language teaching practice patternanalysis”, the author made investigation and analysis of the four aspects in the sense oflanguage teaching mode—teaching method, teaching materials, teachers and teachingobjects, and pointed out the advantage and the inadequate in the sense of language teachingmodel applied to the Chinese as a foreign language teaching practice. Chapter IV discusses“the recommendations to the sense of language teaching applied to the Chinese as a foreignlanguage teaching practice. Based on the conclusion of the preceding research and analysis,the author put forward the recommendations for improvement in the sense of languageteaching applied to the teaching Chinese as a foreign Language practice. Finally theconclusion summarizes the main points and conclusions of this paper, pointing out theinadequacies of the paper and the outlook for the future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Chinese as a foreign language, Language-sense teaching method, Teaching mode
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