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Tchaikovsky’s Fourth, Sixth Symphony Comparative Study

Posted on:2013-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Creation of two symphonies background, basic can use different, but have the same,the same in different, criss-cross each other four sentences to summarize. The ideologicalcontent of the similarities and differences of the two symphony can be summarized asfollows: a main repeatedly "reflects the ideological content; filled with memories of the past,the reality of the helpless, the predictions for the future; embody the author of the fate ofprotest, the desire of happiness and inner unhappiness to express; have demonstrated theactive life of the people of the scene."Fourth Symphony" memories of the past mainlyfocused on the poetic pastoral life and childhood interesting,"Sixth Symphony" will focuson once the cause of the brilliant people who have hectic life; the reality of the helpless;two symphony in the form of musical expression in the first movement overtures head start,giving the feeling of shock; in stark contrast in the intensity of sound, speed of sound, thesound side; reflects the melody in the second and third movements the beautiful sounds;blend into the elements of folk music; is:"Fourth Symphony" overtures to produce a strongsound, it is shocking,"Sixth Symphony" played in sequence by the double bass slow deeppolyphonic beginning; sound intensity contrast of the Fourth Symphony is relativelyprominent, and the Sixth Symphony,"the speed of sound, tone contrast is relativelyprominent. Are well-deserved great works in reality, the historical influence of the twosymphony, are Russia and the world’s precious cultural heritage,"Fourth Symphony"considerable appeal because of the struggle of doom,"Sixth Symphony" Because of itsstrong tragic more shocking; Tchaikovsky’s death100years, introduced his biographyworks and other works have been developed. One of the more important and referenced bymany researchers and enthusiasts on Biographies and writings of course, is the main ChaiKefu his hometown Russia. Since the advent of the two symphony, the world renownedconductor and the world’s major symphony orchestra have played two works, the focusfrom the height, depth, intensity, carried out a successful interpretation, to bring the spirit ofgreat enjoyment for the the researchers provide a broad space. The full text is divided into five parts:The first part clarifies the significance of comparative study of two works, andcomparative study of the status quo.The second part of the background around the works, the ideological content andartistic characteristics were compared.Around in the third part of the reality of work, the historical influence of a comparativestudy.The fourth part of the audio and video around the work-related documentation andinterpretation of data were compared.Part V Conclusion...
Keywords/Search Tags:sixth symphony of, Tchaikovsky’s, Fourth Symphony
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