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Calorie Restriction And Epilepsy

Posted on:2017-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W TangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dietary restriction has been proposed as a method for extending lifespan. It can reduce oxidative stress damage, improve resistance, slow the aging process and delay the development of age-related diseases in varieties of species. But the mechanism is unclear to us. Dietary restriction has been proven effective in epilepsy animal model in some studies recently. A method called ketogenic diet appeared to control epilepsy in clinical practice. But the emergence of anti-epileptic drugs put a brake on the development of diet treatment. So far from that, up to 20-40% of the epilepsy patients ultimately become resistant to currently available anti-epileptic drugs. Once again, diet therapy is becoming a choice for epilepsy. This review mainly discuss the history, the animal researches and the mechanism of calorie restriction.
Keywords/Search Tags:epilepsy, seizures, diet therapy, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting
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