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Patent Analysis Of Aids Vaccine

Posted on:2017-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330503465270Subject:Social and Management Pharmacy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AIDS(Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) has been ranked fourth in the w orld rankings of infectious diseases.At the same time,AIDS brings a serious public h ealth threat to the human beings, and HIV causes great harm to the society with its high infection rate and mortality.Therefore, prevention of AIDS has become a top priority of the global health system.So far the drugs and technology that have devel oped can not prevent the infection and spread of HIV.So only AIDS vaccine could bring the gospel to the world and completely eliminate the AIDS.It’s known that so me AIDS vaccine candidates have been filed for patent protection as global AIDS v accine research has been more than 20 years.Generally speaking,the global patent lit erature on AIDS vaccine has reached hundreds of articles.In this paper, the patent a nalysis method is introduced into the field of AIDS vaccine based on the patent dat a of AIDS vaccine and process all kinds of information efficiently with the help of text mining technology.It can provide research and development and technology dev elopment prospects of AIDS vaccine for researchers and the necessary high quality t echnology competitive intelligence for foundations, institutions, enterprises and gover nment departments.Quantitative analysis method is used in this research.Quantitative analysis is a st atistical analysis of the items inherent in the patent document and explain the releva nt statistical information from various angles.It can provide the information of the st atus of the industry development, changes in trends and other aspects of intelligence.It mainly includes the analysis of patent area distribution, the analysis of main com petitors, the analysis of key patent technology, the trend analysis of the technology development and the core patent analysis.Patent analysis results show that the number of patents related to AIDS vaccine is 907.From the perspective of the trend of the patent application of AIDS vaccine,with the annual change, the applications of AIDS vaccine patents have dropped or rised, but in general, the applications are rising;from the perspective of the regional distribution of AIDS vaccine, the United States, France, Japan, the United Kingdom,these developed countries have mastered the vast majority of AIDS vaccine patents;f rom the perspective of important applicants analysis in this field, the United States Department of health and public services, Duke University, Merck Corp, Connaught LAB and the Pasteur Institute,these institutions not only rank the top on the patent application rankings, but also the patent quality is excellent.They are outstanding in the field of AIDS vaccine; from the perspective of the distribution of AIDS vaccine patent technology, the related technical classification is mainly distributed in A61 K,C07K, A61 P, C12 N.They relate to pharmaceutical configuration product,drug treatme nt activity, microorganism, enzyme and other applications.Among them, the pharmace utical configuration product containing antigen or antibody and related to the field o f polypeptide are main.At the same time,the patent applications related to A61 K, C07 K,C12N increase significantly.It’s a hot direction in AIDS vaccine field.The prevent ive AIDS vaccine is also the main research direction of R & D.In addition, the Uni ted States, the United Kingdom, France are also mainly distributed in A61 K, C07 K,A61P, C12N;from the perspective of core patent analysis, the basis and key technol ogy of the patent is the essential factor to the core patent.Gene engineering technolo gy is the most concerned for the researchers.Also, a lot of core patents cover it.Eur ope, the United States, France has mastered the core technology of AIDS vaccine.T he Genentech Inc and the Pasteur Institute are the important holders of core patents.From the results of the above analysis, the conclusions are that AIDS vaccine r esearch is still in the development period, the patent applications are on the rise;Th e United States, Europe, China and Japan are important markets for AIDS vaccine,they also master the core technology,it’s suggested that Chinese R & D institutions distribut important applications for AIDS vaccine in the above market;the United States Department of health and public services, Duke University, Merck Corp, Connau ght LAB and the Pasteur Institute are the important participants in the vaccine field,they have developed in 5 technical topics,it is suggested that these R & D institutio ns can search for potential partners according to their own patent advantages, and jo intly develop AIDS vaccine;the related technical classification is mainly distributed i n A61 K, C07 K, A61 P, C12 N,the applications increase significantly,they relate to phar maceutical configuration product,drug treatment activity, microorganism, enzyme and other applications,among them, the pharmaceutical configuration product containing a ntigen or antibody and related to the field of polypeptide are main, it is suggested t hat researchers continue to focus on the development of the technology involved in these categories;Gene engineering technology is the most concerned for the researche rs,the Genentech Inc and the Pasteur Institute are important holders of the core pate nt,it is suggested that they can cooperate with the large pharmaceutical companies, b ut also can transfer the relevant patent technology to them.
Keywords/Search Tags:AIDS Vaccine, Patent Analysis, HIV
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