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Side Personnel Salary Design Of H Hospital

Posted on:2017-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330485970609Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Side staff as an important part of public hospitals, in various positions and are playing an increasingly important role. Hospital operation need to rely on the professional level, medical quality and service level, equipment investment, information construction and so on all aspects of software and hardware, and it is the key to the foundation of the people. Because side personnel without a reasonable salary system, no salary adjustment mechanism, in the thinking of the resulting instability, lack of identity, lack of sense of belonging, the lack of a sense of accomplishment, and even to some extent under undue discrimination and prejudice. Side personnel salary system is the trend of the development of the market, in the context of medical system reform in our country, this is an attempt to the compensation system, a kind of beneficial exploration to the development of hospital. This article focus on research H hospital side personnel salary design, the main research content is as follows:(1) Through the methods of investigation, analogy, for example side personnel salary satisfaction survey, job analysis, post evaluation and so on, through the bar charts, line charts, etc. Analysis of the results of the survey, through the list of methods to analyze side personnel’s work, evaluate the types of jobs.(2) Aiming at present in the hospital is writing with side personnel salary unfair, unfair and internal side personnel pay due to the increasing contradictions, causing turnover multiplied several problem of rising side personnel salary system based on the principle of fairness, justice, distribution according to work, mainly adopt the method of category, contrast, inside the side personnel, side and between members, and with the market level, to keep the relative fairness.(3) When determining side personnel salary level, according to the result of post evaluation, in determining the side personnel on the basis of total wages calculate average branch on behalf of the specific compensation amount, according to the score calculation after each level of the compensation.(4) When determining pay structure, using the weighted average method, to determine the proportion of pay.(5) In the design of performance-related pay, according to the medical profession characteristic and the actual situation of hospital, on the basis of the distribution of departments according to the performance by the hospital, secondary distribution within the department, giving greater autonomy department.As H before the hospital did not compare standard side personnel salary system, the design belongs to the first try, finally design a set of compensation plan, determine the compensation levels and compensation structure more reasonable, and the other benefits of compensation system and compensation adjustment has made the analysis and Suggestions. In the aspect of safeguard measures, this paper analyzes the implementation side personnel salary design scheme will face problems and solutions, to ensure that the scheme can implement smoothly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public hospitals, Side personnel, Compensation design
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