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Rho A/ROCK Pathway In The Study Of Great Saphenous Veindamage Because Of Stretch Tension

Posted on:2016-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330479981937Subject:Pathology and pathophysiology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective Define different pull intensity on the relationship between the gre at sa phenous vei n da ma ge degr ee, de fi ne s no da mage pul l, and di scusse d its expression differences of Rho A/ROK signal pathways and the adjustme nt of the mechanism of action of vascular injury i n bri dge.Methods 60 cases under the condition of no tension for calf great sa phenous ve in,were ra ndoml y di vi de d i nt o 5 gr oups,e ac h gr oup of 12 cases.A gr oup: for t he c ont rol gr oup,no pull( < 10 g,0.098 Ne wton), the r e mai ni ng s a mpl es in the same direction of different strength pull 3 mins.Group B to pull 20g(0.196 Newton),group C to pull 40g(0.392 Ne wt on),group D to pull 60g(0.588 Newton), group E to pull 80g(0.784 Newton).Myocardial pr ote cti on for t he sa mpl e application of CUSTODTOL HTK(Myocar dia l pr ote cti on sol uti on) Pr ote ct t he tissue integrity. To pull different disposal, fi xed in the formalin liquid, paraffin embedding, pathological examination, HE dyeing at high ma gnification(400 x) under observation biopsy pathological changes.Immunohistochemical me thod, the detection of Rho A, ROCK protein expression levels.By immunohistochemi cal me thod, a ppl yi ng t he nucl eus a ntigen st ai ni ng,t he det er mi nat ion of s mooth mu sc le c ell pr oli fer ati on. Usi ng We ster n bl ot me t ho d determine the expression level of vascular Rho A、 ROCK bridgeResults Rho A/ROCK protein in the stretch tension damage are expressed in the great saphenous vein, and are positivel y r el ate d wit h gr e at saphenous ve in dama ge degree, by holding the larger the tensile strength, its ex pre ssion le vel is hi gher;Pul l increases with time, the expression levels of Rho A/ROCK, Rho A/ ROCK pr ot ei n e xpre ssi on le ve l i s highe r t ha n a fte r pull 3 mi n wit hout tension group(P < 0.05), peak pull 5 mi n(P < 0.01), pull like 5 mi n to 10 mi n expression level and group signific ant ly i ncr ea se d c omp ar ed wi th no te nsi on.Conclusion Rho A/ROCK pathway activation is holding tension damage one of the important mechanisms of great saphenous vein, ac cordi n g t o t h e expression of Rho A/ROCK conditions, can be a prel i minar y assessment of great sa phenous vei n da mage de gr ee, inhi bit it s expr essi on c a n re duc e t he da ma ge of va sc ula r venous br idge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rho A/ROCK pathway, ROCK protein, Stretch tension, and great saphenous vein
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