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Quality Control Circle Of Sterile Kit Expired Interventions To Reduce The Occurrence Frequency And Its Clinical Significance

Posted on:2015-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330470464341Subject:Integrative care
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:This study through the investigation of expired frequency asepticinstrument package three levels of a hospital, to know the isinfection cost thehospital equipment package. In view of the existing problems analysis in the firststage, the establishment of "quality circle" group activities, the implementation ofspecific measures, to explore the "quality circle" quality management tool in reducing the sterile kit overdue application effect of frequency of occurrence, and provide scientific basis for its application in the continuous improvement of qualityin the hospital.Methods:to collect the hospital in 2013 December 04-2013 year of unqualified specimen data, the raw data were statisticalAnalysis, understand the current status of the hospital sterile kit expiredfrequencies. Through the establishment of "quality circle" group activities, the use of quality management tools, to sterile kit stored and retrieved by parsingeach stage, to find out the main reason expired high frequencies, and take corresponding measures for the problems, one by one to solve the effect ofexpired frequency harmful factors, such as:gaugeFan the using principles, to establish long-term packaging equipment packagedetails. After the activity collected 2014 02-04 month kit expired data, statistical methods were used to compare the improvement measures after the implement ationof aseptic kit expired frequency have no difference, judging the effect of activity.Results:the QCC activities before the implementation (December 2013 04months -2014 years) kit expired frequency is 1430, average 143/month. The implementation of QCC, take targeted measures after (2014 2-4 months), kitexpired 162 times, an average of 81 per month, sterile kit bag expired frequencywas decreased obviously (p<0.005), QCC activities effectively reduces thefrequency of sterile kit expired.Conclusion:the application of QCC quality management tool can effectively reduce the clinical inspection defect rate, improve the inspection.Pre analysis quality specimen; through participation in quality control circle, circleto improve the use of QCC management tool to solve The ability of clinical practical problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:quality management, operation room, kit, QCC
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