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Non-therapy Situations Of Autism’s Children’s Treatment: Chinese-cultural Specification And Their Influences On Treatment And Mind-body Growth

Posted on:2016-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467981985Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of treatment and rehabilitation, we should make the therapy andnon-therapy situations integrated. As children, they must grow. Through the therapysituations, Chinese society and culture inevitably affect their growth. Therefore, in theprocess of exploring the growth of autism’s children, it is important to know how theyaffect autism through their non-therapy situations.Through participatory observation and random interviews, the researcher observesthe non-therapy situations of autism, then analyzes and summaries the kinds andinfluencing factors of the situations. Finally, they are associated with thecorresponding Chinese society and culture.This research aims to analyze and discuss that the internal connection of autismnon-therapy situations and national social culture and its impact on treatment andrehabilitation in autism’s chilren’s growth.Two parts are involved in the research method and process: the first is participatoryobservation and collections of typical case reports, the second is the implementationprocess of the research.The next part generally discusses the non-therapy situations of autism withChinese society and culture.Then it is the autism’s non-therapy situations of diagnosis,treatment and rehabilitation. The next part focuses on the interaction and impacts ofChinese social and cultural context and autism.Finally the guiding principles of autism’s prevention, treatment, rehabilitationand growth in Chinese social and cultural context are propsed and discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:autism, non-therapy situations, Chinese society and culture
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