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The Current Hospital Nurse Patient Relationship Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2015-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467970734Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China is in the social transformation period, which is also a crucial period ofsetting up and perfecting socialist market economic system. With the development of societyand the improvement of people’s living standards, people’s health consciousness isstrengthened continuously, and better treatment and nursing service are expected. However,the doctor-patient and nurse-patient relationships are increasingly strained because ofdehumanizing medical service, imperfect social medical security system, lack of medical careadministration, incomplete medical health law and regulations, etc. It will not only hinder thedevelopment of medical and health service, but also harm social harmony and stability. Thenurse is one of the main bodies of implementing medical service behavior. The medicalenvironment will lead to increasingly intensify the contradiction between nurses and patients.Both nurses and patients also suffer from trust crisis. The government and the medical andhealth institutions at various levels have to attach importance to nursing staff’s work, respondand eliminate the unstable factors actively in the relationship between nurses and patients,promote the healthy and orderly development of relationship between nurses and patients inorder to achieve the aim of medical health service agencies, which are to treat the sickness tosave the patient, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, and to safeguard people’s livesand health.On the basis of a great deal of social investigation and systematic analysis, incombination with the specific situations of the relationship between nurses and patients inhospitals, this paper deeply studies the problems of relationship between nurses and patients,analyzes the causes of the problems, and puts forward the countermeasures of building aharmonious relationship between nurses and patients.This paper consists of three parts.The first part: this part first expounds the concept of relationship between nurses andpatients, and then shows its connotation through the present social background and thetendency of economic development in China. The change of relationship between nurses andpatients leads to the development of its connotation towards legislation, standardization, long period, equalization and deepening. Finally, it reviews the development history of therelationship between nurses and patients in China.The second part: this part analyzes and researches the results of questionnaire survey onrelationship between nurses and patients in103A grade hospitals in Beijing, Tianjin andHebei province, and summarizes the causes of the disharmonious relationship between nursesand patients. According to the investigation, both patients and nursing staff are not optimisticabout the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, and think the whole situationat present is in a state of tension. This situation will seriously affect the development of themedical and health institutions, and people’s demand for health care services can not be wellsatisfied. To be specific, hospital violence disputes are often caused by contradiction betweennurses and patients; trust crisis causes tension between nurses and patients; patients andnursing staff lack effective communication; nurses lack a sense of professional achievementand self satisfaction; the requirements of patients to nursing staff have improved greatly; thesubject and object in the relationship between nurses and patients change; nursing staff have ashallow understanding of modern nursing concept. The main causes of those problemsinclude: operation level, service attitude and interpersonal communication competence ofnurses are poor; nurses are lack of firm related theoretical knowledge; personalcomprehensive quality of nurses is low; nursing staff team’s structure is imbalanced; patients’quality varies considerably, hospitalizing criterions of different patients are uneven; patientsare too demanding for their own interests and have a especially strong consciousness ofself-right maintenance; some patients turn a blind eye to the relevant management system ofthe hospital and are even hostile to the hospitals; hospitals pursue economic interestsexcessively; the trend of utilitarianism is more and more serious; the regulations of hospitalsare not standard and the management is not perfect; hospitals deal with the disputes betweennurses and patients too objectively and incompletely; the government doesn’t pay enoughattention to health care and doesn’t spend enough money on it; all kinds of medical insurancesystems remain to be improved; medical expenses are too much; some news media’s reportsare untrue, etc.The third part: in view of the current situation and problems of relationship betweennurses and patients in the hospital, this part puts forward the countermeasures of building a harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, namely to strengthen the medical andhealth reform, build pleasing relationship between nurses and patients, improve andstandardize the management mode in hospital, develop and innovate humanized managementmeasures, carry forward the traditional virtue of respecting nurses, build a harmoniousmedical environment, pay attention to cultivate and improve the moral quality and nursingtechnology, improve the overall level of nursing service, educate and regulate the behaviorsof patients, strive to promote the understanding and trust between nurses and patients, attachgreat importance to the nursing work, strengthen the relationship between nurses and patients,and establish medical contradiction buffer mechanism. All the countermeasures mentionedabove aim to ease the contradiction between nurses and patients effectively, rebuild aharmonious relationship between nurses and patients, and promote social harmony andstability.All in all, a stable and harmonious medical environment is dependent on a harmoniousrelationship between nurses and patients. Although the social and governments at all levelspay highly attention to the disputes between nurses and patients in medical and health serviceagencies, there are still some problems. We must treat the harmonious relationship betweennurses and patients as a research subject and a focus of the long-term development of thehospitals in the future. We must constantly innovate and improve the management anddisposal methods, effectively improve the nursing service level and play the role of the patronsaint of human life and health.
Keywords/Search Tags:nurse-patient relationship, problems, influencing factors, countermeasures
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