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The Literature Study Of Weng Zao And Yi Chao Lei Bian

Posted on:2015-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467951093Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
YiChaoLeiBian, as a comprehensive medical book, including basic theory of TCM,clinical subjects, prescriptions, herbal, health ect, was written by Wengzao in the Dao Guangperiod of the Qing dynasty. WengZao, who came from WuNing JiangXI province, hascompleted this book in Daoguang tenth years (1830); unfortunately, the original edition of thisbook was destroyed in a fire. Since then, the printed copys of YiChaoLeiBian’s were hard tobe found in the world. In the guangxu period, Xu Zhenyi, an official of the Qing Dynasty,worried that the books would be lose in the future, and then entusted his friends Li Wenshi,Liu Baozhen, Chen Yaocen, to recollate the YiChaoLeiBian which the primary editionpossessed by his family. This book subsequently called FengXin Xu carving copy by peoplein Guangxu period (1895). Finally, the books was inherited from generation to generation.As one of the medical series books, it has reference various dynasty Medical literatures,ranging from Qin and Han to Qing Dynasty. It also provided us a way to study the othersTCM literatures. Though carded the medical books quoted in YiChaoLeiBian, we draw aconclusion about the YiChaoLeiBian’s academic origin, inheritance and academiccharacteristic. In addition, it can help us to restore the life and experience of author at thesame time. Further more, we also research the YiChaoLeiBian’s content and Literature styleto make people know about the original of this ancient books.
Keywords/Search Tags:WengZao, YiChaoLeiBian, Literature study, Academic characteristic
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