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"Collection Of Grievance Relief Stories" The Value Of Forensic Science

Posted on:2015-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H KeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467482097Subject:Bibliography of Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Collection of Grievance Relief Stories" is the earliest systematic forensicscience book in China, which was written by Song Ci in Song Dynasty. It summarizedtheories and practices of forensic medicine and became the textbook of futuregenerations."Collection of Grievance Relief Stories" preserved the previousgenerations of forensic books, integrated and synthesized the scatteredknowledge of inspecting experiences from people’s past work to make them morecoherent and systematic. It was combined with the years of experience of SongCi as a judge, classic cases, identified knowledge and emergency prescriptions.It enriched the content of the experiment forensic examination by the scientificmethod."Collection of Grievance Relief Stories" proposed the inspection rule of“observe before taking action” and created a scientific, rigorous on-siteinspection program. It constructed a trinity site inspection mode includedcorpse inspection, site inspection and survey interviewing. The condition, stepand methodology of site inspection were also described in detail. It proposedthe inspection method of sharp instrument injury, blunt injury and mechanicalasphyxia. It also summarized a systematic corpse inspection method included theprogram and principle of corpse inspection, the order and item of corpseappearance inspection, the changes of corpse after died, and the handling ofcorpse. It stated that forensic workers should have professional ethics and norms such as correct attitude, risk prevention awareness. They should focus oninspection methods and evidence, the description and research of inspection.This article mainly researched on the medical value of “Collection ofGrievance Relief Stories” based on the content above. First of all, it deeplyanalyzed the important forensic value of “Collection of Grievance ReliefStories” through five aspects included legal thinking, ethics and norms offorensic workers, identification methods of mechanical casualties, poisoningand detoxification methods and systematic corpse inspection method. Secondly,it analyzed the seven factors produced by the forensic value included politic,culture, technology, etc. It also compared with three Song Dynasty criminalinvestigation books,“Yi Yu Ji”,”Zhe Yu Gui Jian” and “Tang Yin Bi Shi”to emphasize meaning of this book. At last, it briefly stated reference valueon legislation and judicial reform, also the practical significance of forensicprofessional norms.,...
Keywords/Search Tags:forensic, Song Ci, Collection of Grievance Relief Stories, research value
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