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The Prevalence Survey Of CT Usage And Countermeasure Analysis In A Certain Hospital

Posted on:2015-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M G QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467456646Subject:Public Health
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Investigated the use of Computerized Ttomography (CT) in patients with acertain AAA hospital.Analyzed subjects’ radiation CT times and the part of theinspection, analyzed patients’ etiology and past medical history, the relationshipbetween radiation dose and the effect to human body.Explored the risks to the humanbody of the frequent application of CT and radiation dose and the threat to publichealth problems.Through the investigation of the usage of CT, made the public andthe vast majority of physicians to pay enough attention on the usage of CT, providepatients and clinicians with more optimization of diagnosis and treatment plan.Methods:Selected300patients making radiology CT examination from June2013to June2014in our hospital, including male146, female154, age25-84, Check equipment isthe philips256layer spiral CT machine.Etiology of CT examination includedhypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage,diabetes, lung cancer, inflammation, stones, abdominal trauma, etc. And parts of CTscans included the head, chest, abdomen, coronary artery, collar plate, disc, full belly,etc. Calculation of the patients receiving radiation dose. Use EpiData3.1for dataentry, using SPSS17.0statistical software analysis, measurement data using mean+/-standard deviation (x+s) to represent; Count data using percentage.Results:1.Frequency distribution of CT scanThere are300patients to be made CT examination, and including123peoplewew the first time to CT, accounting for41%of the total.The number of repeat CT accounting for59%,among them,the number of subjects scanning twice was117,accounting for39%;the number of subjects scanning three times was38,accounting for12.7%;the number of subjects scanning four times was16,accounting for5.3%; the number of subjects scanning five times was4,accounting for1.3%;the number of subjects scanning six times was1,accountingfor0.3%;and the number of subjects scanning eight times was1,accounting for0.3%.2.The basic situation of the area of CT scan and repeat scanningThe area of CT scan in patients included the head, chest, abdomen, coronaryartery, collar plate, disc, full belly, etc. Divided into sequence scan and spiralscan.There are a total of569people. The male were275, female were275, the doselength product (DLP) was751.42+/-234.79mGy.Cm. Chest scan was mosttimes,220subjects, accounting for38.7%.The second is the headscanning,211subjects, accounting for37.1%. Next scanning parts were upperabdomen, coronary artery, collar plate, disc, full belly, femur and hip, pelvis, thyroid,etc.3. Etiology and past medical history of parts of CT scanThe main etiology of chest CT scans were coronary heart disease, accountingfor25.9%, pneumonia accounted for14.5%, cerebral infarction accounted for9.5%,lung cancer accounted for3.6%, other basic diseases accounted for46.4%.Amongthe past medical history in subjects of chest CT scans,no past medical historyaccounted for the largest proportion,was56.4%,hypertension accounted for10.9%;coronary heart disease was third, accounting for3.2%.The main etiology of head CT scans were coronary heart disease also,accounting for24.2%; cerebral infarction accounted for22.3%;cerebral hemorrhageaccounted for5.7%;lung cancer accounted for3.3%, other basic diseases accountedfor44.5%, Among the past medical history in subjects of head CT scans, no pastmedical history accounted for the largest proportion,was44.5%, hypertensionaccounted for18.5%,coronary heart disease was third, accounting for2.8%. The main etiology of upper abdomen scans were coronary heart disease,accounting for22.0%,upper abdomen inflammation was second,accounting for17.1%, upper abdomen calculi accounted for7.3%, other basic diseases were22,accounting for53.7%. Among the past medical history in subjects of upper abdomenCT scans, no past medical history accounted for the largest proportion,73.2%;hypertension accounted for7.3%,hypertension combined abdominal inflammationwas third,accounting for2.4%.Diabetes is also involved in CT scans past medical history of an importantfactor.Conclusion:1.In our research, the scanning area are mainly concentrated on the chest, headand abdomen.2. In CT scan frequency,repeat CT scan (59%), the number of repeat chestscanning people is most, the second was head. To some extent,existed thephenomenon of frequent CT examination.3.In etiology and past medical history,coronary heart disease and hypertensionwere the main causes and past medical history, followed was other basicdiseases,including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, pneumonia, lungcancer, abdomen inflammation and abdomen calculi. Diabetes is also involved in CTscans past medical history of an important factor.
Keywords/Search Tags:CT, inspection area, the etiology and past medical history, radiation dose
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