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The Main Determinants Of Radial Augmentation Index And Analysis Of Its Distribution Range

Posted on:2015-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467455707Subject:Elderly cardiovascular medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background and Objective:More researches have indicateded that PWVisrelated to rAI,which is Independent factors for cardiovascular events and regarded asan important indicator in measuring arterial elasticity.The conclusion about which areinfluence factors for rAI is not completely specified. Traditional risk factors have beenanalyzed in previous studies,but not the potential new risk factors.Because of all kindsof risk factors which could influence rAI,there is not normal value so on.The first aim ofthis study is to investigate the relationship between all kinds of26atherosclerosis riskfactors and rAI;The second is to characterize the distribution range for rAI.Objects and Methods:23214physical examination people(15940men and7274women) who come from Health Management Institute,Chinese PLA General Hospitalare choosed in this study.All people,s data are obtained through general Informationinvestigation、health checkup、blood test and instrument testing.The rAI,s influencefactors are analyzed by Multiple Linear Regression.4147people are screening fromall23214people and divide into groups by gender and age.The distribution range of rAIare measured by95%confidence interval.All data are analyzed by SPSS20.0.Results:Part One:The order from strong to weak is Height、HR、Age、DBP、Gender、SBP、HDL、Weight、WHR、eGFR、FPG、HcY、TC、Lpa、TG、LDL,which are relatedto rAI. The rAI,s positive related factors are Age、DBP、WHR、eGFR、HcY、TC throughmultivariate analysis, and Height、HR、Gender(男=1,女=0)、SBP、HDL、Weight、FPG、Lpa、TG、LDL are negative,and PP、MBP、BMI、WC、FAT%、IR、UA、Fbg、CRP、Na+/K+are not related to rAI.Part Two:The women,s rAI is higher than men in all age groups.Both men andwomen,s age are positive related to rAI.The rAI,s plateau is56and46in men and women,respectively.Distribution range for rAI in man according to age groups(%):≤35:36.83~90.07;36-45:49.28~99.26;46-55:55.36~103.06;56-65:59.07~103.95;>65:65.06~101.64.Distribution range for rAI in woman according to age groups(%):≤35:45.46~100.02;36-45:59.78~107.72;46-55:66.49~111.41;56-65:68.74~112.22;>65:75.23~108.05.Conclusions: The rAI,s influence factors are complicated,not only related totraditionalrisk factors, but also to other new potential risk factors. women,s rAI is higherthan men,s in all age group. Gender and age are the two influence factors for rAI,so weshould establish the distribution range according to the groups which are divided bygender and age.
Keywords/Search Tags:radial augmentationindex, cardiovascularrisk factor, arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension
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