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The Prevention And Control Mechanism Of Excessive Medical Treatment Resrarch

Posted on:2016-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330464456570Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of excessive medical treatment, some doctors became the right-hand medical devices, some of the patient’s medical facilities into slaughter slaughterhouse, accompanied by the medical dispute, the doctor-patient conflicts have been intensified. Based on the research problem of excessive medical care and prevention system on the reference to the various scholars over treatment and prevention outcomes, highlighting the macro-thinking, and try to build the system over treatment prevention mechanisms.From domestic and international situation of excessive medical treatment, it points out the universality of the phenomenon of over treatment and introduced measures to prevention of excessive medical treatment abroad, highlighting the significance of the topic of theoretical and practical significance. Analysis of excessive medical treatment is difficult to establish the reasons for the prevention and control system, the economic level, the source pointed out that the generation of over treatment-the reform of the health care system, and pointed out that the implications and negative effects of excessive medical care reform; from a legal perspective, analysis of the causes of excessive medical intensified; the level of health services from the special nature of the market, explained endogenous over treatment resulting system. Analysis of prevention and control mechanism and relevant content, to make a brief analysis of prevention and control mechanism. Analysis of the concept of excessive medical treatment, harm and excessive medical forms, from mufti-angle mufti-field of view, the formation of complex thinking, dialysis excessive medical cause and effect relationship between the various body carding over treatment. Address the prevention and control of excessive medical connotation, including the concept of mechanism, management, prevention and control mechanisms. Research introduces excessive medical prevention and control mechanism from guide-serviced supervision Restricting type, punish-Encouraging show three directions and requirements of the connotation of the prevention and control system. Respectively, from strengthening government’s responsibility to improve the internal management system outside the hospital environment; strengthen government oversight, third party monitoring and internal oversight started the reform of medical insurance payment, to expand the scope of clinical pathways, and other standard treatment procedures; improve the legal system, the establishment of illegal punishment mechanisms, reform of health financing mechanisms and "drug addition" compensation mechanism to build the framework for the prevention and control mechanisms over medical...
Keywords/Search Tags:Excessive medical treatment, health care reform, prevention and control system research
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