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Study On Zibo City Provincial Health Accounts

Posted on:2015-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330452470259Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Total health expenditure is an important part of today’s hot issues and domestichealth economics research, for the development of health reform policy, and scientificdevelopment of health financing policy and carry out health input-output analysis hasimportant theoretical and practical significance. Currently, the key issues andchallenges facing the world is how to effectively control and accounting of totalhealth expenditure trends of total health exp enditure, which is an important issue atthe present stage of China’s urgent to solve the deepening medical reform and thechallenges faced. Total health spending accounted for the purpose of being able toreflect a comprehensive system of health funding campaign process, revealing the lawof the health sector of economic activity, so as to effectively manage, control the totalhealth expenditure.Health Reform and Developm ent of China’ s thirty yea rs has m ade greatachievements, the health service s ystem covering urban and rural areas initiallyestablished, service capabilities and improved continuously, the people’s health statusimproved significantly. However, health services are still lagging behind in economicdevelopment and other social undertakings, long time,"difficult and expensive" hasbeen one of the main problems plagued Chinese nationals."Difficult" is the cu rrentmedical treatm ent of people facing a very comm on situation, and building amoderately prosperous society and build a harmonious society is not appropriate todevelopment goals."Excessive reliance on user fees in health financing system is oneof the main problems limiting the reform and development of China’s health."In this paper, on the one hand as a theoretical basis for the theory of public goodsby theory, the theory of public finance, public choice theory, demand and supplytheory of public adm inistration, the process of total health expenditure accountingproblems in the analysis and study of theory. The other hand, the total cost of thehealth status of the city as the background, using funding sources, empirical researchinstitution, and the rest of the country and comparing analysis shows that the total costof Zibo City Health realities, based on this proposed Zibo, total health expenditurecontrol measures, including: improving the level of health financing; optimize the proportion of health financing structures; optimize health cost allocation structure;perfect health insurance financing system, promoting health insurance system reform;strengthening medical cost control, control of personal health spending levels and soon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Total health expenditure, accounting, management, suggestions
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