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Evaluation And Analysis Of The China’ Current Health Care System Reform Factor Affecting Perspective Based On The "Difficult And Expensive"

Posted on:2013-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330434951865Subject:Senior managers of business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The controversy over healthcare reform has been one of the top social concerns in recent years,-and the root cause lies in the mounting difficulties and costs for medical services. On April6th of2009, the long-expected new healthcare reform plan of Opinions of CPC Central Committee and State Council on Deepening Systematic Healthcare Reform was officially issued after three years of demonstration (thereafter called the "New Plan"). It is programmatic with the ambition of providing basic medical services to all and it marked the beginning of the new round of healthcare reform. The New Plan clearly laid out the three-stage target to considerably reduce difficulties and costs in medical services.The systematic healthcare reform concerns1.3billion Chinese, over1billion rural farmers and urban residents with low incomes in particular, and it concerns social harmony and stability. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to healthcare reform. Currently, the three-year-long phrasal reform is coming to the end but the target is still disappointingly far from becoming the reality.Meanwhile, lack of basic healthcare services, shortage and unreasonable deployment of medical resources, imbalance between rural and urban healthcare development, underdevelopment of medical personal,"medicine for medical services", and other long-existing problems are not settled and medical services remain difficult and costly. What is worse, the reform progress varies among different regions, with some places in need of policy and funding support and mechanism improvement.The thirty-year-long healthcare reform in China is faced with lots of problems. How to quantify the exceptional growth of medical costs? It is believed that the costs come most directly from the increasing medication and hospitalization expenses. Statistics show that as medication and hospitalization expenses increase faster than income, more and more people hesitated in consuming medical services to save money, and this exerts a negative impact on the accessibility of basic healthcare services."Difficulties in consuming medical services" differ from "costly medical services". Even with all the Chinese people under the coverage of free medical services or health insurance, if medical resources are not allocated reasonably, people in some regions still cannot get proper healthcare because of shortages in medical institutions or professionals. However, in China,"difficulties in consuming medical services" is closely related to "expensive health care" as more and more people with lower income cannot afford to go to see the doctors. In other words, in China, the fairness of accessible healthcare concerns not only the allocation of medical resources but also the increasing service costs.So, what about the problems? At present, the most prominent is "difficult and expensive healthcare", reflecting the overall imbalance between the supply and demand and the inefficiency and unfairness in running the whole system. Finally, there are some comprehensive recommendations for the Chinese government about how to deal with this irregular situation, as well as give some useful points to help Chinese government develop new China’s medical system.This study can be divided into five sections.In Section Ⅰ, after an introduction on this treatise, it provides a brief review, including significance of the study, basic of thought and logical structure, the innovation of it, research methods used in this study, and some issues related the study that need to discuss with readers. Finally, it will indicate the limitations of this research,Following the Section Ⅰ, Section Ⅱ of this paper briefly reviews the relevantly published literature at historical research on China’s medical reform. This part will analyse and review China’s medical reform process in order to fully comprehensively understand China’s health care system. It is important that it can summarise some excellent points from experience and lesson of the reform. Section Ⅲ describes the current issues in China, namely,"difficult to obtain an appointment with a doctor and extremely expensive to see a doctor"(difficult and expensive), and indicates the influence factors. This part points out the main factors which cause the current "difficult and expensive" problems in China by a form of expression. Above all, it realizes the root cause of this issue is that there are some problems in China’s current health care.Section IV is concentrating on thinking about China’s current health care reform. In order to effectively alleviate current issues that people feel difficult to see a doctor and it is expensive to do, this part will analyse and think about health care reform again through affecting the nature of the problem of the point of view.There are some comprehensive recommendations and measures to effectively improve China’s medical system reform in Section V. This chapter, on the basis of the above analysis, lists practicable solutions to difficult and costly medical services and pieces of advice for the upcoming reform of healthcare system by transforming government function to enhance capabilities of medical services, streamlining mechanisms to push forward reform in drug logistics reform, and perfecting basic healthcare security to cover all, with the aim of providing reference for decision-making authorities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Difficult and Costly Medical Services, Factor Systematic, Health Care Reform, Evaluation and Analysis
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