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Prevalence Of Community Residents And Dangerous Factors Of Stroke Kaziwan Analysis

Posted on:2015-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To Kaziwan community status and age≥epidemiology of stroke risk factors associated with40-year-old residents, and provide scientific data and evidence for further risk factors for stroke in early intervention. Methods:The Taking of the community under the jurisdiction of the genus Kaziwan five community health service stations, age≥40years resident in the city, residents health records with complete data, the "community of stroke onset and the use of high-risk groups unified under the Ministry of Health issued stroke recurrence risk assessment form into the "line screening and registration, the establishment of electronic files, using SPSS17.0software for statistical analysis. Results: The total number of compliance with screening requirements and create a file of11,244people, including5577males, female5667people. The prevalence of stroke statistics show the total number of294people, the overall prevalence rate of2.61percent, which was the number of patients with stroke,179men, the number of patients with stroke and115women, gender prevalence rates were3.21%,2.03%. TIA number of patients was9, the overall prevalence rate of0.08%,2males,7females, sex prevalence rates were0.04%,0.12%. Conclusion:The stroke group, the overall prevalence of men than women, and the incidence of stroke among men and women of different ages difference. The overall prevalence of TIA group of men and women are different. Suffering from stroke-related risk of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history of stroke, heart disease, and smoking. Reasonable diet, moderate exercise is suffering from stroke protective factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stroke, Epidemiology, Risk factors
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