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The Abortion Issue Under The Perspective Of Dignity Of Life

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F GuoFull Text:PDF
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Abortion is not just a question of medical surgery, it is also a question of ethics. Associety progresses, the medical technology continues to improve, the debate on theissue of abortion has become increasingly fierce. Revolves around the issue of abortion,conservatism, liberalism and eclecticism are disputed each other. parties scholarsstanding on top of their theoretical position to overthrow the other theoreticalperspectives. Focus on the issue of abortion debate is whether the human fetus,maternal and infant rights of the parties, however, no matter which faction are unable toprovide a unified theoretical point of view. So, the issue of abortion debate continuesfrom then to day.This paper discusses the abortion issue from the perspective of life and dignity ofman. Abortion is not only the termination of a fertilized egg or simply a small operation,but a moral issue and a denial of the dignity of human life. To kill an innocent life is notonly a violation of ethics, but also a serious violation of human dignity. The fetus hasthe dignity of life can not be deprived of, mother also has the same rights and dignity oflife. But when the fetus’s right to life threatening the mother’s life right, maternalpregnancy due to involuntary behavior, or pregnancy is contrary to the basic nationalpolicy, abortion is allowed to happen. Except for the above three cases, abortion shouldbe banned, otherwise, it would be a serious violation of the dignity of human being, andlead to serious ethical issues such as moral decline.China as a developing country with a large population, to enforce birth control andpopulation control policies according to our national conditions is consistent withmorality. It’s sensible to lead an ethical survey on the abortions status and the forcedabortion problems arising from the process of enforcing family plan from theperspective of human indignity. Relevant laws should be formulated to against forcedabortions, repeated abortions and likely practices. Opposition to abortion and familyplanning policy in China are not in conflict.
Keywords/Search Tags:abortion, dignity of life, family plan policy
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