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Ocular Trauma Injury Factors And Clinical Cases Analysis Of Children

Posted on:2015-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431493948Subject:Child and Adolescent Health and Maternal and Child Health Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To explore the characteristic of pediatric ocular trauma, and provide theory basisfor the prevention of eye injury in children; to explore prognosis associated factors,and determine the most appropriate treatment timing and methods.Methods:In-patients with the primary diagnosis of “ocular trauma” between the ages of oto14years old from one hospital in Henan province during2010to2012wereenrolled in the study. Relevant information concerning the patients were collected andsorted out to analyze the demographical characteristics, clinical features, prognosisand associated factors. Excel was adopted for data entry, and SPSS12.0software forstatistical analysis. The classification of variable data between groups were comparedusing χ2test and Fisher ’s exact test, ranked data used rank and inspection, andmultivariate analysis was performed using the logistic regression model, the test levelα=0.05.Results:1. There is a slight increase in the population of hospitalized patients, eye traumapopulation, and pediatric eye trauma patients. 2. Boys account for the majority of the754subjects. They are primarily schoolchildren, most of whom are from rural areas.3.Most of the injuries are monocular. Most of the injured children from the ruralarea come to the clinic in8-24hours, accounting for45.8%of the whole population;urban injured children came at8hours, accounting for44.3%of all urban patients. Ofall the subjects, those with5degree visual damage forms the majority, followed by1degree damage, while2degree damage are the least.4. The most frequent cause of injury is sharp items (33.3%), followed by burning(20.4%), and other causes, foreign items, blunt items and fists. Hospitalization lastsfor less than7days in most eye traumas, regardless of their causes.5. For different ocular trauma, there are varies treatment options. Surgicaltreatments accounts for83.02%of all the choices, while non-surgical accounts for16.98%.6. Among complications of blunt injuries, sharp tool injuries, and foreign bodies,cataract comes as the most frequent one, while for burning, fist injuries and othercauses injuries, cataract and glaucoma are both frequent complications. The mostcommon complication of non-surgical treatment is cataract and glaucoma, and themost common complication of suturing is glaucoma. Complication of cataractextraction is hyphema, retinal detachment and other (33.3%for each), while the mostcommon complication of intraocular foreign body removal is retinal detachment(31.9%)7.20.5%patients of all the754subjects were blind as they were dischargedfrom the hospital. Injuries with the highest blinding rate is burning (25.3%), and thisincreases with delayed presentation time. Blinding rate picks as the presentation timeis longer than48hours.8. Logistic regression shows that older age, early hospital admission areassociated with better visual prognosis; while among varies cause of injuries, foreignbody and other causes might experience a worse visual outcome that fist injuries.Conclusions:1. Pediatric patients accounting for roughly one third of the whole eye trauma population, and the incidence is increasing year by year.2. Among pediatric eye trauma patients, school children are the most. Malegender, rural area origin patients form the majority of the population, and mostinjuries are monocular. Most common cause of injury is sharp tools. Most patientshave a sever visual acuity loss.3. Different surgeries should be performed for different kinds of injuries, and thecomplications vary. One fifth of all patients will be blind. Ocular trauma is aimportant cause of monocular blindness.4. The factors affect visual prognosis is age, admission time and cause of injury.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, Ocular Trauma, Regression Analysis, Complications
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