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The Clinical Analysis About136Cases Of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Posted on:2014-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431466203Subject:Obstetrics and gynecology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical characteristics of ePithelial ovarian cancer, theeffect on Prognosis and to make effective early detection, diagnosis andtreatment in order to imProving the Prognosis sUrvival of Patients with ovariancancer.MethodsWith the retrosPective research methods, the clinical data of oUr Patientswith ovarian cancer who took sUrgery for the first time from October2008toOctober2010were sUmmarized, inclUding incidence(age, clinical symPtoms,Pathological tyPe), diagnosis, clinical factors (clinical stage, histological grade,immUnohistochemistry sitUation, CA125detection) and the relationshiP withPrognosis sUrvival. Ovarian cancer sPecimens were fixed with10%formalinsolUtion, embedded in Paraffin and serially sliced UP for4Um thick. Each caseneeded6sections, resPectively, for HE staining, VEGF immUnohistochemicalstaining, ER immUnohistochemical staining, PR immUnohistochemistrystaining and P53immUnohistochemical staining. The Positive Plates in kit wereUsed as a Positive control. All sections were identified by Pathologists blinded.We made follow-UP of12to66months after oPeration to Understand theirsUrvival statUs. We Used KaPlan-Meier method to dePict sUrvival cUrves,ProdUct method to calcUlate sUrvival rates, Log-rank method to test differencesin sUrvival rates and cox ProPortional hazards regression model in mUltivariateanalysis.ResUlts(1) Clinical Pathological featUres: their age ranged from20to79and themedian age was50. Patients aged from50to59years accoUnted for35.29%,followed by the groUP aged from40to49accoUnting for26.47%. SeroUs ovarian cancer accoUnted for76.47%, mUcinoUs5.88%, others17.65%.According to installment standards by FIGO (1986year), the nUmber of casesin T1, T2, T3, T4was, resPectively,28,24,68and16. Patients took earlytreatments (T1+T2) accoUnted for38.24%while Patients took late treatments(T3+T4) accoUnted for61.76%. Initial symPtoms of abdominal Pain in Patientswith early accoUnted for61.5%,46.2%abdominal distention, abdominal massdiscovered by61.5%; initial symPtoms in Patients with advanced abdominalPain accoUnted for66.7%, abdominal distension accoUnted for42.9%andabdominal mass accoUnted for57.1%.(2)Diagnosis: In this investigation,according to the symPtoms, signs, B UltrasoUnd imaging, tUmor markers andPathological examination, oUtcome corresPonded with diagnosis.(3)Theclinical characteristics and Prognosis: sUrvival time of clinical staging of52early (T1+T2) cases was60.72months and that of84late (T3+T4) cases was37.83months;5-year sUrvival rates were, resPectively,42.6%and3.7%(P<0.01) in Univariate analysis. The risk of death in the groUP whose level ofCA125above35was6.81times as that below (95%CI ranged from3.55to13.08). SUrvival rate (CA125<35m/Ul) is higher than the groUP (CA125>35).In Univariate analysis, CA125levels are indePendent risk factors affectingPrognosis of ePithelial ovarian cancer (P <0.01). Estrogen recePtor (ER) wasnegative in17cases and Positive in119cases. In addition,5-year sUrvival rateswere55%,12.9%, resPectively. In Univariate analysis, this difference wasstatistically significant (P<0.01).ConclUsion(1)The early diagnosis rate in ovarian cancer Patients was relativelylow(61.76%in this stUdy).(2)Periodic Pelvic examination is necessary for therewere no significant relationshiP between Clinical manifestations and clinicalstage of ovarian cancer which both had the same main symPtoms sUch asabdominal Pain, bloating and abdominal mass.(3)The Positive exPression ofP53gene had significant correlation with clinical stage and lymPhaticmetastasis;(4) EchocardiograPhy in the natUre of the tUmor mass, hazardsregression model analysis showed that ovarian cancer sUrvival time isindePendently related with clinical stage, CA125levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ovarian cancer, Clinical stage, OPeration, ImmUnohistochemistry, ImmUne theraPy, Prognosis
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