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Survey Of Adolescent Injury-related Risk Behaviors In Yinchuan City And Comparison Of KAP After Health Education

Posted on:2013-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X MuFull Text:PDF
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Objective To learn the status of adolescents injury-related risk behaviors in YinchuanCity, Ningxia and the cognition of knowledge, attitudes, behavior of adolescent injury-relatedrisk behaviors.To analysis the factors affecting injury-related risk behaviors,to explore therole of health education in knowledge, attitudes, behavior of injury-related risk behaviorprevention, to provide the basis for the prevention and control of injury-related risk behaviors.Methods A total of14schools were selected from the three districts of Yinchuan Cityand two counties and one city (Xingqing District, Jinfeng District, Xixia, Helan County,Yongning County, Lingwu City)by random stratified cluster sampling method. Adolescent ofthe first grade, the second grade, the first year of high and the second year of high in schoolanonymously fill in the adolescent injury-related risk behaviors questionnaire of YinchuanCity. On the basis of the baseline survey, the school (two each) Xingqing and Xixia Districtwere randomly divided into intervention and control group, adolescents of the interventiongroup in school were implemented health education intervention for six months and controlgroup did not take any interventions. To survey the cognitive of knowledge, attitude, practice(KAP) of injury-related risk behaviors of adolescents of the intervention and control group inschool before and after health education, in order to evaluate the effect of health educationintervention.Results1.The survey demographic characteristics: a total of3051adolescents weresurveyed, boys1411(48.3%), girls1640(51.7%), Han2453(80.4%),Hui486(15.9%), othernation (including Manchu etc.)112(3.7%), mean age15±1.871years old(11to20years old),the first grade835(27.4%), the second grade768(25.1%), the first year of high835(27.4%), the second year of high613(20.1%), boarders315(10.3%), non-boarders2736(89.7%).2.The status of injury-related risk behaviors:12injury-related risk behavior of adolesc-ents in Yinchuan City within one year was94.6%, injury-related risk behaviors in descendingorder as follows: walking the violation (71.1%), being bullied (54.8%), feel unsafe fromschool (47.5%),cycling irregularities (39.9%), away ideas (29.9%), fighting (27.4%), suicidalideation (23.0%), try to run away (15.4%), suicide plan (9.8%), non-safe place for swimming(8.8%), suicide attempts (6.6%) and awareness of injury (6.2%).3.The incidence of walking violation (73.7%,being bullied (65.1%),cycling irregularities(43.9%) and fighting (40.9%) in boys was higher than girls, thus the incidence of feel unsafefrom school (50.6%) and suicidal ideation (26.0%) was lower than girls, the difference wasstatistically significant (P<0.01).4.The incidence of fighting (30.4%,31.1%) in the first and second grade was higher.Theincidence of walking violations (78.8%,79.3%), cycling irregularities (43.1%,43.6%),beingbullied (53.3%,58.2%), feeling unsafe from school (48.5%,47.3%) and away ideas (34.6%,31.8%) in the first and second year of high was higher, the difference was statisticallysignificant (P<0.01).5.The consequence of injury-related risk behaviors logistic multivariate analysis: theindependent variables eventually entering the regression equation including gender, age,grade,maternal age, relationship with parents, parental education, parental education attitudeetc..6.The cognitive (91.1%) of adolescents in"Swimming in no security measures placecould injury" was better. The cognitive (28.9%) of adolescents in "Do not walk the overpassor underpass may hurt " was worse. The recognition rate of "Unaccompanied swimming innon-swimming area (ponds, reservoirs, rivers, etc.) may injury" was more than88.0%. Therecognition rate of "Cross the street to follow the ’red for stop, green for go’ traffic rules " wasonly27.0%. To comply with "riding a motorcycle wearing a helmet" was the best (up to 80.4%).The incidence of" The behavior of no taking the zebra crossing when wear the road inthe past30days" was the highest (71.1%).7.Before Health education, the difference KAP of adolescents injury-related riskbehaviors in the two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05).After health education,KAP of the intervention group was significantly higher the control group, the difference wasstatistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion1.The incidence of adolescents injury-related risk behaviors in YinchuanCity was high and the categories was much. There are differences in gender, grade.2.Adolescents often exist in two kinds or more than two kinds of injury-related riskbehaviors.An injury-related risk behaviors often exist with other risk behaviors.3.The incidence of adolescents injury-related risk behaviors were influenced by gender,age, grade,maternal age, relationship with parents, parental education, parental educationattitude and other influencing factors.4.The cognitive level of adolescents on the knowledge, attitudes, behavior of injury-related risk behaviors is not high.5.Health education have a positive significance in accessing the knowledge to identifyinjury-related risk behaviors, enhancing the belief in the prevention of injury-related riskbehaviors and reduce the occurrence of injury-related risk behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:injury, risk behaviors, health education, knowledge, attitudes andbehavior
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