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Effects Of Different Plant Growth Regulators On The Branching And Flowering Of Apple Seedlings

Posted on:2017-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This experiment is based on the current situation of China’s apple seedling industry to carry out the actual problems,The breeding technology of apple seedlings in China is relatively backward, poor seedling quality, more alone seedlings, after construction of young apple tree children over a long period of time.This test is based on the "Yanfu3" and "Changfu 2" as the experimental material,effects of different plant growth regulators on the promotion of branching and flowering of apple seedlings,screening out the best way to promote branching, to solve the problem of difficult to flower and so on, in order to promote the cultivation of apple seedlings to provide theoretical basis and practical basis. The results of the study are as follows:1. Promalin treatment 1000 mg/kg after 70 cm cutting back and 1-year-old dwarf interstocks seedlings, the suitable number, length, angle of effectual laterals of tree trunk wereto achieve the desired effect of promoting branching. vigorous rootstock of no cutting back and own-rooted of no cutting back, own-rooted of cutting back seedling branching effect can meet the production requirements of seedlings. 70 cm cutting back vigorous rootstock and dwarf interstocks, own-rooteds are not conducive to the formation of the ideal tree structure and shorten the fruit tree shaping cycle.2. Promalin and Chou zhibao, KT-30 can promote the new shoots of apple seedlings to produce branches, and the number of branches was significantly higher than that of the control, which is conducive to the early formation of the required shape of the tree. Promalin treatment is better than KT-30 and Chouzhibao treatment in seedling height, diameter, effective branch amount, branching height and root growth.3.Promalin combined with ethephon, promalin combined with uniconazole and promalin separate processing of apple seedlings to achieve certain promoting branching flower promoting effect,But promalin combined with ethephon or uniconazole on apple seedlings flower promoting effect is better to used alone promalin flowering effect,the promalin flower promoting effect is the best combination of ethephon In June 30 th.
Keywords/Search Tags:apple seedling, plant growth regulator, branching, flowering
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