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Effects Of Different Tillage Methods On Soil Physicochemical Characters And The Growth And Development Of Wheat

Posted on:2015-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330431477191Subject:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tillage methods affected soil properties and the growth of wheat. Many problemsexisting in traditional tillage and conservation tillage reduced wheat production to someextent. Double row sowing-topsoil modification technology (DS-TOT), combining theadvantages of traditional deep tillage and no-tillage, increased production significantly inmany tested fields. This research included three aspects to study intensively the mechanismof production increasing caused by DS-TOT.The effects of three different tillage methods, including deep tillage, rotary tillage andDS-TOT, on soil bulk density, water content of different periods, soil available nutrients,soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and enzyme activities were studied in a fieldexperiment. The results showed that DS-TOT could ameliorate soil physical structure andreduce soil bulk density. Compared with deep tillage and rotary tillage, DT-SOTsignificantly increased soil water content in different wheat growth stages. DT-TOT couldeffectively improve soil available nutrients in20~40cm depth and enhance soil microbialbiomass carbon and nitrogen enzyme activities.A comparative study about the effects of three different tillage methods on root spatialdistribution, root weight density, root length density, root surface area, activity of rootsystem and root senescence were performed with Luyuan502. The results showed thattillage methods had little effect on the surface root distribution. The values of root weightdensity, root length density and root surface area in depth of soil were the lowest in rotarytillage treatment, followed by deep tillage. Due to improving soil physical and chemicalproperties, DS-TOT increased root weight, root length density and surface area. The rootactivity also showed the same trends. DS-TOT could delay the senescence of root and keephigher activity during grain filling stage.Moreover, the effects of three different tillage methods on the leaf area index, tilleringdynamics, flag leaf net photosynthesis, leaf water use efficiency (WUEL), final biomassand grain yield of winter wheat were invested. The results showed that DS-TOT couldalleviate the chlorophyll degradation, and keep higher leaf area index, modify the flag leafphotosynthetic capacity in grain filling stage, and enhance the final biomass and grain yield.Compared with deep tillage and rotary tillage, DS-TOT enhanced the final grain yield by 8.11%and13.29%, espectively. WUEL was enhanced by14.12%and19.21%, and theflag leaf net photosynthesis was enhanced by13.33%and25.08%in DS-TOT comparedwith deep tillage and rotary tillage respectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:different tillage methods, soil physical and chemical properties, rootdistribution, flag leaf photosynthetic, grain yield
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