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The Research On Perfecting Rural Financial System In Hengyang

Posted on:2017-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330488998371Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and food security is directly related to the life safety of the country. Solving the problem of "three rural issues" is the key to ensure the more efficient and stable development of economy in our country. From 1982 to 1986, the central government issued five documents, which made a strategic plan for the development of agriculture. From 2004 to 2016, the central government has also issued thirteen "No.1 central documents" concerning the "three rural issues", highlighting the important status of the "three rural" issues in China’s economic system. Among them, promoting the development of rural economy and increasing farmers’ income are the keys to solve the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", which can not be separated from the rural financial system. But since the reform of China’s large and medium-sized commercial bank, the banks divest a large amount of financial resources from rural. At the same time, new financial institutions are still in their initial stage and private finance is still in illegal stage, which is contradicted against the increasing multi-level financial needs in rural areas. As an underdeveloped region in central China, many indexes of the rural economy in Hengyang has not caught up with the national average, and there are also many problems in the construction of rural financial system, which can not meet the financial demands all kinds rural markets in Hengyang. Therefore, in order to better promote the development of the rural and even the whole nation’s economy, rural financial system should be improved continuously.In this context, this paper will focus on the rural financial system of Hengyang based on its specific situations. Specifically, this paper has analyzed the current supply and demand situation of the rural financial system in Hengyang based on the research findings of the predecessors. Then through the collection and sorting of some data, this article has summarized the problems of the rural financial system. Finally by learning advanced experience in building rural financial system from foreign countries and other provinces in China, some reasonable policy recommendations are given and the following strategic framework for Hengyang city is proposed. Playing the exemplary role of the Agricultural Development Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China, Paying attention to cultivate the Hengyang RuralCommercial Bank, Postal Savings Bank of China and the new financial institutions, actively improving the guarantee and insurance systems in rural area guided by government, using positive supply to induce demand; To co-ordinate the overall situation, we should create a good environment to the rural financial system, this needs the main effect of the government, especially the local government, in order to improve Hengyang’s rural financial system.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural financial, rural financial supply, the System of rural Finance in Hengyang
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