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Research On The Development Strategy Of Beaode Group 's Real Estate

Posted on:2016-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330470468229Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
BONENG group was founded in 1992, after 20 years of accumulation, facing enterprises from the first stage to the second stage critical period of strategic transformation, in the first 20 years of development, the enterprises engaged in, completed the primitive accumulation of capital and the choice of the main business, and in the coach section, enameled wire section, real estate section and finance section plate has good grades. In recent years, the rise of real estate industry giants, competition is intense, at the same time, the adjustment of the national macro policy makes the real estate industry both opportunities and challenges, the development of real estate industry will enter a scientific, standardized and healthy development track.In this context, BONENG group both opportunities and challenges, how to achieve the transformation of development under the condition of existing, in so many competitors in the industry of implement differentiated competition, the enterprise into a sense of mission and social responsibility of the city with a history of operators, this requires the company to develop a leading, innovative and practical overall development strategy to improve understanding, unified thought, clear development direction and goals of the enterprise. At the same time, the company entered the second stage of development, in the aspect of strategic orientation, main business, profit model had the new change, under the new situation of the new group how to combine business, build a commercial operation mode, how to under the existing resources to build revenue model, the need to design innovative business strategy to support enterprise development goals.Current BoNeng group, the real estate business is the main business group, in recent years, our government to strengthen the macro-control of the real estate market, from five to 2010 countries, various restrictions, the limit of credit policy fully of the our country government intervention to the real estate market development of determination. Relationship between housing livelihood of the people, the country to regulate the real estate market is also want prices down to solve the housing problem of the Chinese people. National policy guidance for the real estate industry development there are many uncertain factors, so the real estate of our country need through the planning for both short-term and long-term strategic objectives, to seek a sustainable development road. This background, this article can focus the brougham group’s real estate business, through the internal and external environmental analysis, from strategic positioning, strategic target selection, content determination to strategy implementation in group real estate business company has established a set of development strategy, BONENG group real estate business to help improve company competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:BONENG group, The real estate business, Strategic management type, applied research
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