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Research On The Upgrading Of Industrial Structure And The Quality Of Population

Posted on:2015-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330431968222Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Economic development include economic growth, improving and optimizing the economic structure, and economic improvement and improved quality. The elements investment is inseparable in economic growth, but today there are more and more restrictions of our material resources, so it is necessary to improve the technological advancement and to improve quality of the employment population; Improving and optimizing the economic structure means that we should put forward higher requirements of the structure of the industrial and employment population; Improving the quality of the economy in related to the success or failure of the transformation of economic development. Currently, economic development is no longer just rely on the growth of investment in physical capital but also rely on the human factor. Although China’s overall population quality has improved dramatically after the reform and opening, the population quality situation is unbalanced and the quality of the population can not meet the requirements of sustainable development of China’s economy. Under the background of our proposed transformation of economic development and upgrading of industrial structure, I chose the topic of the studies of problem in population quality in the process of China’s upgrading of industrial structure. The paper finds out the issues of affecting China’s upgrading of industrial structure, which will contribute to the future of China’s economic transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. The main results of this study are reflected in the following aspects:1、By calculating and analyzing the national statistical data, I described China’s population quality changes after China’s reform and opening up, including the physical quality of population and the knowledge quality of population. I analysis the education in china, which is an important factor affecting the knowledge quality of the population, after that I get the average years of education of our population, including the average years of education by different age group and the average years of education by different industries group, so as to recognize the status of the overall quality of the population and demographic qualities of different industries.2、By analyzing the economic development and industrial upgrading and the status of human resources in developed countries, I find out some discipline between them. I have got the direction of the upgrading of industrial structure and I have got the conclusion that we should improve the quality of population status to improve the upgrading of industrial structure.3、Through the comparative analysis of the deviation between three industrial structure and three industries employment structure, the paper has the conclusion that either the three industrial structure or the internal structure of the three industries will need to make better, which nothing can not do without changing the quality of the population within the industry.4、By analyzing, the article concludes that there are many challenges and opportunities in the upgrading of industrial structure and china’s population quality, then I have made some policy recommendations.The innovation of this paper:First, making the population factor into the important factor of affecting the upgrading of industrial structure and economic development. The paper also describe the quality of the population change since China’s reform and opening up, making it an important supply factors affecting the current upgrading of industrial structure; Second, the paper also analysis the discipline between China’s employed population structure and industrial structure. Compared with foreign county we recognize that how the quality of the population meet China’s upgrading of industrial structure.The disadvantage of this paper:Lacking quantitative analysis in the relationship between industrial structure and employment population structure, as well as the degree of influence on the process of upgrading the industrial structure of the quality of population, instead of using a descriptive and comparative analysis method, this leads to we have only got some directional rather than deeper conclusions in the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:human capital, population quality, education, upgrading ofindustrial structure, economic growth
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