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Research On The Application Of Knowledge Management In The Process Of Enterprise Technological Innovation

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330431952657Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Studying knowledge management in the process of technological innovation has a very important practical significance. Through the use of knowledge management andtechnological innovation theory, this article studies knowledge management’s applications in enterprise technology innovation processand gives some suggestions that enterprise how to improve the level of knowledge management in technology innovation process. The21st century is the era of knowledge economy. Knowledge is playing an increasingly important role in the survival.operation and development of enterprises. But the traditional capital, resources, and labor aren’t importance. The obtaining, exchange and application of knowledge becomes a major ways of enterprise technology innovation. Knowledge management’role in the enterprise technology innovation process is becoming more important. Knowledge management not only can accelerate the technological innovation and excavate the potential of technological innovation, but also can reduce the risk of technological innovation, ultimately raise the capability of technological innovation and enhance corporate’s competitiveness in the market.This article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, significance and research situation. The second chapter mainly introduces the content, schools and theoryof knowledge management.The third chapter mainlydescribe the application of knowledge management in the process of Lenovo’s technological innovation, such as the introduceknowledge management and the content of knowledge management. Lenovo implement knowledge management in the technical innovation’s three phases and take some knowledge management measures, such as building information technology platform and the knowledge base. Through the knowledge base, employees can find, share, use and update theirknowledge. The forth chapter gives somemeasures. Afteranalyzing knowledge management’s applications in technological innovation process, some measures is proposed to improvethe application of knowledge management’s level, for example building knowledge management system of enterprise technology innovation process.It can improve the technological innovation capability.The fifth chapter is the conclusion, summarizing the article and pointing out shortages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge Management, Enterprise TechnologicalInnovation, Knowledge Management System
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