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Research On The Designing Of Composited Functional Hypostatic Shop Space

Posted on:2017-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays, the rapid development of internet technology leads to the online-shopping, which helps consumers purchase their products without going out. Meanwhile, the psychological requirements of consumers have been enhancing constantly. Also, current purchasing behaviours of consumers are not only focused on the physiological demands, but also on the spiritual pursuit.Accordingly, the modern commerce has stepped in the emotional consumption age. Therefore,more attention should be paid on the psychological emotion of consumers.In addition, because of the increasing demands of consumers on products and service, the experience economy has become one of the main business models. In order to create the memorable activities for consumers, enterprises take commodity as props and service as their stage, on the one hand, and by means of the theme experience design, on the other hand.The composited functional business model is the transformed and optimized product of the characteristics of times, i.e. emotional consumption and experience economy. This model reinforces the feeling of experience by superposition of multi-commercial activities. Moreover, it will be the orientation and tendency of the future entity retail industry.This project was carried out by various methods, including literature review, multi-and interdisciplinary analysis, image and data analysis, field research, questionnaire inquiry, case study and design practice. This project investigated the designing of composited functional hypostatic shop, from the perspective of Donald. A. Norman’s there-emotional level.First, this project deeply analysed the relevance and compatibility between ‘the activated space of composited functional hypostatic shop’ and ‘emotionalized design theory of Donald. A.Norman’. Both of them are based on the enhancement of human mental demands. They tend to touch consumers from the perspective of emotion. On the other hand, the controlling of theory could make the designing process more clearly and employ the emotion element more accurately,as well as reaching the commercial object more effectively.Second, this project began with the three different human emotional levels(instinct,behaviour, and introspection) and their mechanisms; it was based on the psychological feature of young consumer group. Subsequently, the space designing methods and principles of composited functional business model were systematically studied as following:a) The influence of various designing elements of instinct level, i.e. colour, structure, texture and lamplight, on the emotional design should be analysed;b) The function value should be optimized from five different aspects of behaviour level,including functional composition without boundary, scale of interspace, walking kinetonema, interactive experience, and flexibility of function;c) The sentimental value should be extracted and purified from the introspection level by transforming the concept of market and generalizing the activities besides business. Then,the compatibility, complementarity, and the difference between primary and secondary functions should be proposed; the principles of systematized vision and the liberalized space environment should also be analysed.Last but not the least, the research meanings of this project was displayed, and the future perspective of this research topic was discussed. This research indicated that the market position and competitiveness of entity commerce could be improved by the commercial space designing of the emotional experience of consumers from the perspective of composited functional shop.Moreover, the development of the offline experiential business model could be promoted in this way.
Keywords/Search Tags:The experience economy, emotional consumption, composited function, hypostatic shop space, emotionalized design
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