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Adaptability Research Of "Yi Ke Yin"

Posted on:2017-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330488965631Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In rapid globalization, promoting national economic development background, many cities to seek the rapid development of economic construction, and promote the process of urbanization, a large demolition and construction, making the destruction of the traditional and historical landscape, features ethnic style irreversible sacrifice. Yunnan is one of the few minority province, has a rich variety of national characteristics and cultural heritage, in the long history of traditional housing culture of all peoples around the heritage of generations of Chinese cultural treasure is the magnificent, one of the most representative is "Yi Ke yin" traditional houses. Promote prosperity and social and economic development of people’s material and cultural living standards continue to improve, the same requirements for improving the living conditions of the people has become more urgent, apparently, such as "Yi Ke yin" and other traditional housing can not meet the needs of the modern comforts of life, even with the most modern standards for the evaluation of the living environment, the kind of traditional residential living environment can be said to be humble, setting several generations of artisans and people of wisdom traditional architectural culture is being rapidly eliminated.Old, traditional residential architecture is really not suitable for modern society yet? Increase efforts to protect traditional houses has become the consensus of course, the traditional houses who can inherit and what we learn from the wisdom of experience it? In this paper, "Yi Ke yin" Houses for the study, first sort out its development and evolution, and its response are summarized from the natural environment, material resources, spatial structure, culture, reflects the adaptability of production and other aspects of life, integration of today social needs of the times and the needs of people living standard to guide the creation of modern dwellings; in addition, the paper uses the "prototype" theory building typology of "Yi Ke yin" prototype was extracted explore pure space to its symbolic representation constitutes the essence, to adapt to the current production, construction technology and new times demand, "Yi Ke yin" construction mode; Finally, the new "Yi Ke yin" construction mode combined with "an India" adaptable houses conclusions earlier study guide redness estate planning construction design, validation, "Yi Ke yin" residential-based adaptive wisdom of the natural environment, economic and technological objective conditions that can be applied to modern architecture creation; onthe protection and renewal of traditional houses, historical and cultural heritage and to develop certain Consideration and promotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yi Keyin", adaptation, Environment, Space, Structure Construction
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